This is the cast of Dirty Dancing.
Patrick Swayze
Johnny Castle
Ruggedly handsome, well-built dance instructor that works at Kellerman?s. Teaches dance lessons to anyone at the resort?..for a nominal fee of course. He is the leader for the staff kids, as far as dancing dirty goes. Looks best in his black leather jacket with shades. Wasn?t looking for love, but found it anyway. Good friend to all.
Patrick Swayze first began his entertainment carreer through his mother Patsy Swayze. He was born on August 18, 1952, in Houston, Texas. His first performance was working with the Walt Disney Company in Disney on Parade. He has studied at the Joffery Ballet School and has performed in the Broadway Perduction of "Grease". His first film debut was in the movie "Skatetown U.S.A." in 1979. He is married to Lisa Niemi and resides in Lake Arrowhead, California on his five acre ranch called "Rancho Bizarro".
Jennifer Grey
Fancis "Baby" Houseman
Nicknamed "Baby" from her Dad, because she was Daddy?s girl. Very mature, sweet and caring. Ran into Johnny?s cousin, Billy, and got her first sight of Dirty Dancing that was going on with the staff kids. Was impressed by this dancing and wanted to learn it too. Well, she got her chance?..and found love along the way.
Jennifer Grey was born on March 26, 1960. She is the daughter of the Broadway actor/choreographer Joel Grey. Her first film debut was in the 1984 movie "The Cotton Club". Her most recent appearence was in the NBC Television sitcom "Friends".
Jerry Orbach
Jake Houseman
Doctor that treated Max Kellerman and so Max invited him and his family to stay at his resort. Baby and Lisa?s very protective father. Performed a medical procedure that changed his attitude towards Baby. But, everything was okay in the end with Baby and Daddy.
Jerry Orbach was born on October 20, 1935 in New York City. He has starred in and appeared in numerous movies and television drams. Some of his credits include the voice for Sa'luk in "Aladdin and the king of Thevies", a role in the movie "Universl Soldier", "Mr. Saturday Night", and the Television series "Law & Order". His first role was a small part in the movie "Cop Hater" in 1958.
Cynthia Rhodes
Penny Johnson
Penny was a rockette before she came to Kellerman?s. Very beautiful partner and friend of Johnny Castle. They danced in all the shows together. But, when something unexpected happened Baby was asked to step in and take her place in a show. Slowly formed a friendship with Baby.
Cynthia Rhodes is best known for her graceful dancing in several movies, including "Staying Alive", "Flashdance", and of course "Dirty Dancing" (Can we say leg up on Patrick Swayze's shoulder? WOW!!). Cynthia is rumored to be married to Richard Marx. She starred in his 1987 video "Don't Mean Nothing".
Jack Weston
Max Kellerman
The owner of Kellerman?s resort. A rather old fashioned man. He credits Dr. Houseman for saving his life.
Jack Weston, whose real name is Jack Weinstein, was born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1924. Before starring in his 40 year career, on Broadway, Television, and Films, Jack was a machine Gunner and USO performer in World war II. jack has starred in such films as Short Circut 2, Ishtar, and the Cincinnati Kid. His television appearences include "If Tomorrow Never Comes", "The Four Seasons", and numerous appearences in "The Twilight Zone". Jack weston died at the age of 72 in New York, New York.
Jane Brucker
Lisa Houseman
Daughter of Jake Houseman and Baby?s sister. Very immature, falls in love with one of the waiters at the resort, but then she catches him with someone else. Thinks she has a talent for singing, but is sadly mistaken!
Jane Brucker seems to have a small film carrer as of today. She got her launch from appearing in Dirty Dancing and went on to appear in the films "Stealing Home" and "Bloodhounds of Broadway". She has had two television appearances in "Wiseguy" in 1987 and "Doctor Doctor" in 1989.
Kelly Bishop
Mrs. Houseman
Wife of Dr. Jake Houseman, and is Baby and Lisa?s mother. Doesn?t have a big role, but is an important character none the less. Not a very good golfer according to her husband. In the end learns how to dance dirty with all the others!!!
Kelly Bishop, whose real name is Carole Bishop, was born on February 28, 1944 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She has reccently appeared in the movie "Private Parts", the Howard Stern biography, "Miami Rhapsody", and "Six Degrees of Separation". She has also appeared in the Television Series "The Thorns". Her first film role was in the movie "An Unmarried Woman".
Lonny Price
Neil Kellerman
Nephew of Max Kellerman. Neil is what you would classify as a nerd. He befriends Baby for some reason?.think he could have feelings for her, but she doesn?t feel the same. Actually think he?d be a better match for Baby?s sister!!
This year old actor has appeared in such films as "Hot to Trot", which also happens to star "Bobcat" Golthwait (spelling) "Not Quite Human", and "The Muppets Take Manhattan". Like his fellow costar from Dirty Dancing, Kelly Bishop, he has also appeared in the television series "Doctor Doctor".
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