Max Kellerman: "I want you girls to know, that if it weren't for this man here, I'd be standing here dead."
Johnny Castle: "You just put your pickle on everybody's plate college boy, and leave the hard stuff to me."
Neil Kellerman: "Auctually I have to excuse myself, I'm in charge of the entertainment tonight. Would you like to help?"
Mr. Houseman: "Sure she would."
Johnny: "Yo cuz, What's she doing here?"
Billy: "She's with me. She came with me."
"Baby" Houseman: "I carried a watermelon."
Baby to herself: "I carried a watermelon."
Neil: "Baby don't worry, if your parents think that you're with me, they'll be the happiest parents at Kellerman's. I'd hate to say it, but I'm what's known as the catch of the county. Last week I took a girl away from Jamie, the lifeguard, and he says to her, in front of me, 'What does he have that I don't have?' and she says two hotels."
Penny: "Baby, is that your name? Well ya know what Baby, you don't know shit about my problems."
Penny: "Go back to your playpen...Baby."
Robbie: "Some people count, and some people don't."
Baby: "You make me sick. Stay away from me, stay away from my sister, or I'll have you fired."
Mr. Houseman: "You know, if your mother ever leaves me, it'll be for Arnold Palmer."
Mrs. Houseman: "Baby, stand up straight!"
Lisa Houseman: "You wouldn't care if I humped the entire army, just as long as they were on the right side of the Ho Chi Minh Trail"
Neil: "Sometimes he's hard to talk to, but the ladies seem to like him." "Make sure he gives you the full half-hour you're paying for kid."
Rodrequez: "It's the same in all these places-- some ass in the woods maybe, but no conversation!"
Johnny: "Nobody puts Baby in a corner."
Mrs. Houseman: "I thinks she gets this from me."
Johnny: I've never known anybody like you, Baby. You look at the world and you think you can make it better. If somebody's lost, you find them. If somebody's bleedin'...
Baby: Yeah, I go get my daddy. That's really brave. Like you said.
Johnny: That took a lotta guts to go to him. You are not scared of anything...
Baby: Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw. I'm scared of what I did, of who I am. And most of all...I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life, the way I feel when I'm with you.
Johnny: I guess it's not a great room. You probally got a great room.
Baby: No it's a great room!
Baby: Dance with me
Johnny: What here?
Baby: Here
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