Card Under the Foot
Ask a member of the audience to pick a card.
Shuffle it to the fourth from bottom.
Tell the audience member you will show him four cards,and if he sees his card, not to say anything.
Show the bottom card to the volunteer and place it in his hand.
Show and place the next two cards in the same way.
Show fourth card and then perform the glide, dealing down indifferent card.
Overhand shuffle the deck bringing the card to the top.
Perform double lift showing indifferent card. Ask if this is it. It won't be.
Turn down double lift and place top card(the selection) under his foot. He is holding four cards,and thinks his card is on top.
Ask him where his card is,he will say in his hand,on the top. Tell him to turn it over. It is not his card.
Tell him to check the other three. Its not there.ask him If he ever heard of slight of hand, then ask him if he ever heard of slight of foot! Tell him to look under his foot. He will freak.
Card Between the Aces
Take a red ace out of the deck and put it face up on the bottom of the deck.
Then take the remaining three aces, putting the red one between the two black ones. Place these on top of the deck. You are now ready to perform.
Take the first black ace off the top of the deck and show it to the audience. Place the ace facedown on the table.
Ask a spectator to choose a card and look at it. Tell them to put the card faceup covering half of the the facedown black ace.
Do a double lift and show the spectator the other black ace. Return it to the top of the deck and tell them you will put it on top of the chosen card. You actually are putting the red ace on their card.
Secretly make a break at the top card and tell them you will take the cards and put them on top of the deck.
Put the three cards, aces facedown, on top of the card you made a break at.
Flip over the four cards, the fourth card being the one you made a break at, and show them their card has disappeared from in between the black aces.
Cut the cards, which will place the bottom face up ace on top of the card and the other red ace.
Spread the cards to show a facedown card between the two red aces. It is the spectators chosen card!
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