The magician lays out a row of eleven face down cards onto the table. He instructs a member of the audience to move any number of cards from one end of the row and place them at the other, one at a time. This all takes place while the performer has his back turned or while he is out of the room!
When the magician returns he moves his hand back and forth over the row of cards, suddenly he stops at one card, slowly the performer turns over the card, the number on the card is the same as the amount of cards moved!
The trick can be repeated immediately and as often as desired. In fact the more often it is done the more baffling it becomes.
At some point a spectator will try and out fox the magician by not moving any cards at all, when this happens, the card turned over will be a Joker!
Take from a deck eleven cards from Ace, to Ten and one Joker (any suits). Lay the cards out face down on the table in the following order:
6 5 4 3 2 1 J 10 9 8 7
The card at the right hand end of the row is your KEY NUMBER. In this instance it is the number 7. Tell your spectator to move ONE AT A TIME as many cards as he likes from the right end of the row to the left. You can turn your back or leave the room. (lets say he moves four cards)
The position will now be as follows:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 J
The cards in blue are the ones that have been moved. Remembering that your KEY NUMBER was 7, move your hand back forth over the cards , as if to pick up magic vibrations, as you do this count to the seventh card from the left hand end of the row and turn over the seventh card. It is a 4, from this you have magically worked out that the spectator moved 4 cards.
It is now a simple matter by counting along the row to the right from your KEY NUMBER 4 (4 3 2 1 J ) to realise that the card on the right hand end of the row is a Joker (J). The J, which represents eleven, now becomes your NEW KEY NUMBER. When you repeat the trick, all you do is to count to the eleventh card from left to right, and turn over the eleventh card. This card when turned over will tell you how many cards have been moved.
Five simple rules to remember are:
Always know the number of the card at the right hand end. This is your KEY NUMBER.
After the cards have been moved, count your KEY NUMBER from left to right and turn up that card.
This card denotes the amount of cards that have been moved by the spectator.
As you turn it down, mentally calculate which card is now at the right hand end because this will your NEW KEY NUMBER.
If you turn up a Joker it means that the spectator has tried to catch you out by not moving any cards.
The magician explains about gravity and how if we could defy it we would be able to levitate and possibly even fly. He then proceeds to give a demonstration of being able to defy gravity by placing under his hand a number of playing cards. He then slowly lifts his hand from the table and the cards are magically stuck to his hand! He can hold the cards up high for all to see, turn the hand vertically or horizontally and even shake his hand. The cards remain intact the whole time. Holding his hand above the table, the magician starts to pull the cards away one at a time and they drop to the table, leaving no clue to how it was done.
A quick look at Fig.1 will give you the answer. The performer needs to be wearing a ring! a matchstick is placed under the ring so that it sticks out either side. Now when you place your hand palm downwards on the table you can insert two cards under the hand but above the matchstick (Fig.2) you then place another two cards under as in Fig.2, this will give you a solid base to be able to place as many cards as you can possibly manage.
You can now lift your hand from the table. If your fingers press down a little on the backs of the cards they will remain in position, magically glued to the your hand. A bit of practice will show you just how far you can go in terms of turning your hand and shaking it etc.
MIND-READING (Black Magic Style)
After talking about psychics and black magic the magician offers a demonstration in mindreading. The performer then asks someone to assist by touching any object in the room whilst the magician is out of the room. The spectator does exactly this and the magician returns into the room. The magician now asks for a second member of the audience to participate by coming forward and to randomly point at objects around the room. Not a single word is spoken as the magician concentrates and carefully watches the spectator point. Suddenly the magician says "STOP!" and to everyone's amazement the object stopped at is the chosen one.
Not one single word is spoken between you and the second spectator but it is this person who signals to you which object was chosen. The confederate can have his/her back you to whilst pointing, so there is no eye contact. You can also stress the fact that that there is complete silence throughout. But how do you get the signal? The answer, black magic of course!
This explanation is much nearer to the truth than you would expect. You receive the signal while your confederate points at random objects around the room.
The signal is as follows: Just before they point to the chosen object they must point to a BLACK OBJECT. This of course is very easy for you to pick up. The trick can be repeated, but the more astute members of your audience will soon catch on that a signal is being used, so try to vary the amount and the order of objects being pointed to! this will throw most people of the scent.
Do As I Do
This effect was used in the film 'Magic' starring Anthony Hopkins and is a real classic piece of card magic. The magician and the performer each have a deck of SHUFFLED cards. The spectator is asked to copy every move that the magician makes (hence the title of the trick 'Do as I do') the magician chooses a card from one pack and then the spectator freely chooses a card from the other pack. The outcome is very magical and quite startling - both cards match!
Start off by having two decks of cards, one red backed and one blue backed. Ask the spectator to shuffle BOTH packs and then hand you any pack whilst keeping the other one for himself (in this example lets assume he hands you the blue deck) OK now follow the steps below carefully!
Shuffle your blue deck (make sure spectator shuffles his red deck).
SECRETLY glimpse the bottom card of YOUR deck whilst shuffling (This is the hardest part of trick! so be careful, don't get spotted!).
OK lets say in this instance you spot the ten of clubs, you must remember this card because it is your KEY CARD.
Now swap decks with your spectator, place the cards face down in front of you (making sure spectator does the same) and say the following line
"I have shuffled the cards that now lie in front of you, and you have shuffled the cards that lie in front of me! neither of us could know the order of the cards that we now have, is that correct ?"
You should now have the red deck and the spectator should have the blue deck with the KEY CARD on the bottom.
Now spread your cards in a straight line from left to right (making sure spectator does the same).
Hold your pointed finger about 3 inches above the spread at one end and slowly and deliberately move back and forth over the deck (making sure spectator does the same).
Now drop your finger onto the spread (about halfway) and pull out a card, look at the card making sure nobody else sees it! but DO NOT REMEMBER THIS CARD! IT IS A BLUFF! make sure your spectator takes a card and remembers it, say the following "You have had a free choice of a card! is that correct ? Please remember your card"
Now place your card ON TOP of your spread deck (making sure spectator does the same).
Gather up the cards, being careful not to disturb the order (making sure spectator does the same).
Give the deck ONE complete cut (making sure spectator does the same).
Now swap decks again (you should now have the blue deck again).
Tell spectator to find his card and place it FACE DOWN on the table whilst you do the same. What you really do is look through the deck and find your KEY CARD (in this case ten of clubs) the card immediately to the right of it will be the spectators selection! take it out and place it face down onto the table.
Try and get your card onto the table first! it looks better.
That's it you are finished! build up the suspense by talking about coincidence and free choice etc. then get the spectator to turn over his card, build up more suspense then slowly turn over your card!
Wait for the applause to die down before starting your next miracle.
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