Out of all the bands that suck hellaciously, why are you singling out Hanson?
Funny, that?s the same question I would ask the Hansonites :)
Seriously though, musical taste being as subjective as it is, we can easily be influenced by others. If it's in the Top 10 for x months straight, it must be good, right? Wrong. Most Hanson fans are mTV watching teenyboppers.
What specifically do you not like about the music?
What first caught my attention is when Taylor sings the song ?MMMBop? his singing is not very clear. I ask, what is so hard about singing ?You have so many relationships in this life? clearly? Now, one will say that I've based my opinions on one song, and I should listen to more of the music, but if a band will settle to making a sugary, radio-friendly song, then they obviously are not good musicians.
Isn?t that just your opinion?
No, it?s the truth, and I'm right.
What about the tons of people that have bought Hanson?s music? Don?t they prove you wrong?
Go buy a pack of cigarettes. They?re even more popular. A couple million dead people must be right.
Why do you spend so much time on a page about a band you don't like?
Well, first off, I don't spend very much time on this page. Most updates of the page are simply just add-ons, like the mail sections. The Top Ten page was created because I got some Top Ten Lists from other anti-Hansonites. The MMMBalls parody was created in about 5 minutes(approximately how long it took Mercury Records to plan out Middle of Nowhere).
Even still, you're making so many people mad...
So, people are offended by this. I have a disclaimer on the top of my page that says that the page was created for fun and is not a serious attack on Hanson. Besides, all I say on this page is that MMMBop?s lyrics are incoherent and they have feminine looks.
Yeah, but you haven?t heard their other songs. Why judge a band on just one of their songs?
Simple. I do not like Hanson because I do not like their voices and also because I do not like the fact they are overplayed.
Yeah, well, I'm going to tell my mommy...and then I?ll make an anti- page about you! How'd you like that, punk?
Cool. Bring more attention to my pages. Wouldn?t bug me at all. :)
You're just jealous of Hanson. Aren't I right?
Why would I be jealous of talentless little prats? Don't you think I'd be jealous of a good band?
Who are you anyway?
I'm your worst nightmare.
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