
Look at the bottom card on the deck. Putting your thumb underneath,and 4 fingers on top, and holding the deck with one hand, pull cards back slightly (about 1/3 of the way) from the one side, ask someone to tell you when to stop. You then supposedly stop there, and lift up the deck from where you stopped. You need to already have the bottom card pulled halfway back as well, so you pull the bottom card with the others as you lift up the part of the deck. You can then tell them what the card is going to be before you show anyone, including yourself.


For this trick you need to know what a overhand shuffle is. You should also know that you can maneuver the top card to the bottom easily. And the bottom card to the top. Therefore, it may appear that you have mixed the cards after performing the overhand shuffle twice, when actually you still have the same card on top. Have a person pick a card, after they have picked a card ask them to put it on top of the deck. After doing this, do the overhand shuffle twice and keep the top card the same. After doing this, do a double lift and ask them if that is their card. (Of course, it's not, but the card behind it is.) This set the two cards face up on the deck. Comment that you will use the top (face up) card as a locator card. Turn the deck over and take the face up card from the top of the deck and put it on the bottom. Do not let them see other face up card on top. (their card) Then cut the deck and turn the deck back over. Then, fan the cards and you will find a card face up in the middle of the deck. Right next to the locator card.
For the next trick, you will need a duplicate card. Put one of the duplicates on top of the deck face down. The other, put face up near the bottom of the deck. Then, force the top card on them by riffling through the deck until they say stop. Then remove the top part of the deck, but using your four fingers slide the top card to the top of the bottom portion of the cut deck. (does this make sense?) Tell them that they have freely selected a card and ask them to take the card from the top. (the duplicate card) Cut the deck shallowly, burying the duplicate card. Then when the deck is fanned out, their card is reversed. Don't let anyone examine the deck. You can throw in a twist by taking a duplicate card from a different colored deck. Tell them that not only have you reversed their card, but you also changed the color of the back.


Get any deck of cards and shuffle them. Say you are "squaring them up" and look at the bottom card. Then hold the deck face down by the edges in your left hand. Put your right hand on top with the thumb on the bottom of the deck. Gradually pull back each card with your right hand fingers until the spectator tells you to stop. Tell them that the card is whatever card is actually in the bottom of the deck. Then pull away the top part of the deck to the point where they told you to stop. While you are doing that, also pull the bottom card out too, with your thumb, and put it on the bottom of the other cards you are pulling away. Do this very fast, and it will look like the bottom card was actually on that place in the deck. It sounds hard but it is very easy to do if you practice it a couple of times.


I call this trick Aces on top. It is a really good trick if done correctly.
First, before you start the trick, you have to place all of the aces on the top of the deck. Then, you shuffle the deck using a false shuffle, making sure to keep the aces on the top.
Separate the deck into four piles by taking some cards from the bottom. Make sure the aces end up on top of the fourth pile.
1 2 3 4
Have a spectator come up and take three cards off of the first pile, and place them under the same pile. Then have the spectator take three more cards from the pile and place one on each of the remaining piles. (2,3,and 4)
Repeat this process for the rest of the piles making sure the fourth pile are last. If done right one ace will be on the top of each pile. With a little practice the trick will look really good.


This card trick is quite simple if you practice. The first thing you do is rig the deck and take out the 6 of spades and clubs. Second you take out the 9 of spades and clubs. You then place 1 pair of oppisite suits and #'s on the top and bottom of the deck.example- 6 of clubs & 9 spades of ect...Then you show the spectator the other two cards, ex-6 of spades & 9 of clubs and put them into the middle of the deck. You then tell them that you are going to pull the cards out of the deck. Trick is to hold the deck tightly and toss it into your other hand leaving the top and bottom opposite cards in your hand. THIS TRICK MUST BE DONE WITH OUT A FLAW!!!!!


This is a sleight. It is known as the "double-lift." You simply lift off the top two cards as one. This can be done by fist squaring the deck and then beveling it in your left hand while your right thumb runs along a back corner of the deck. When you feel the two top cards, lift them slightly with the thumb, and with your right middle finger, grab the top end of the two cards. Lift the cards off, beveled outward, and display them. This can be used to invent a number of tricks.


1. shuffle the cards
2. while shuffling the cards make sure to keep the top card in your hand, cup your hand so no one can see the card.(do this very carefully so no one sees.
3. tell the person to take the top card, look at it and put it back on top.
4. then you slap the card that was in your hand on top of the deck saying, "do you want me to smack the deck, knock on the deck, or pound on the deck to get your card?"
5. then take the card, that you just put on top of the deck, and put it into the middle somewhere.
6. then you do what they said (smack,knock,pound) on the deck and lift their card off the top.
7. amazing its their card.


Take a normal pack of cards and shuffle them. Have the spectator choose a card at random out of the deck. Shuffle again while he looks at it. Ask him to replace it on top of the deck. Perform an overhand shuffle, and appear to shuffle the card into the deck. What you actually do is with the first move, move the top card(the chosen card) down. When it is done correctly, their card will be on the bottom of the face-down deck at the end of the shuffle. Continue to shuffle cards over the bottom one, maintaining its place. The illusion that their card is in the middle is compelling. Now all you need do is glance inconspicuously at the bottom card and then you can pretend to read their mind and tell them what their card is as you shuffle the deck. This is important. You really mix their selected card in this time to cover your tracks. After the trick, you can pass around the deck for inspection.


The 4 Easy Aces:
Secret Setup:
Take out the 4 aces & put them on the top of the deck & along, put any card on top of the 4 aces. This is what the order of the deck should be from top to the bottom: (any card), A,A,A,A, & the rest of the deck.
1. Start off the trick by doing a hindu shuffle (a shuffle which involves holding 2 piles of cards & flicking them together so they will mix & form one big pile. But for this case, you would let the top 5 cards flick last so that they will stay in the same order.), so the audience won't think that the deck is in a certain order even though it is.
2. Make 4 piles, & make the 4th pile the pile with the 5 setup cards on top. It should look like this from left to right: pile 1, pile 2, pile 3, pile 4 (the secret pile with the 5 setup cards on top of the pile)
3. Take the first top card of pile 1 & put it under pile 1. Then take a card from the top of pile 1 again & this time pass it on to the top of the other 3 piles. Then for pile 2, you do the same thing with the steps, but this time, you take 2 cards from the top & put it on the bottom. Then you pass out the cards to the other pile as usual. And for the piles 3 & 4, you do the same thing, but for pile 3, you take 3 cards from the top & put it on the bottom & do the same thing; & for pile 4, u take 4 cards from the top & put it on the bottom & you follow the same process.
4. Then lift up the first card of each pile & they'll be the 4 aces!


This trick is a very easy trick to master but mystifies people every time. What you have to do is look at the deck in you hand saying " I WILL JUST FIND THREE CARDS " when you are looking through the cards, you have to look at the third card lets just say that the third card is an 8 of spades, you will take out the next three eights and lay them on the table. Now that the three cards are on the table you will say "now I have three cards " and show the three eights now say " I will put a card and a eight, a card ane a eight, a card and an eight" now put the cards on the top of the desk and have some one tap the deck, if done correctly when you flip over the next three cards they will be the three eights. Now let me explain the reason for the looking at the third card. when you are looking at the cards and you see the third card and you take out the same three cards as the third one, when you lay the cards on the table you will put a card and the chosen card and so on. when you look the card and the then the third card you lay down will be the same as the chosen one.


Hand the pack to a spectator to be thoroughly shuffled. Take it back and:
1. Square the pack and, under cover of the action, crimp the inner right corner of the top corner of the top card upwards by pressing it against the tip of the left little finger with the ball of the right thumb.
2. Explain to the spectator that he is to think of any number between, say, 10 and 20, take the pack, and deal off cards to that number in a pile on the table. He is then to look at the top card of the pile, note what it is, replace it, drop the rest of the cards on top and square the deck. Illustrate exactly what he is to do by counting off a small number of cards, look at the top card of the packet and then drop the rest of the pack on top. In this way you have not only made it quite plain to the spectator what he is to do but you have also placed the crimped card on the bottom of the pack in the most natural way possible.
3. Turn away while the spectator does his part, first cautioning him to deal silently to avoid any suspicion that you may be able to count the cards by hearing them fall.
4. When the spectator indicates that he is ready, turn and take the pack. Casually riffle the inner end of the deck with your right thumb as you say, "I will take a card myself from the middle of the deck." Riffle again, this time at the right inner corner, stop at the crimped card and insert the right forefinger under it; the card below the forefinger is the spectator's card.
5. Remove this card and , without showing it, drop it at the top of the pack. "Now there is one chance in fifty-two that I have picked out your card." You have prepared for a double lift as you made this statement and now you turn the two top cards face up on the pack. "Is this king of spades [or whatever the indifferent card may be] your card? It is not your card. Very well...I will put here on the table." Turn the two cards face down on top of the pack and push the top card, the spectator's card, off onto the table with left thumb.
6. Riffle to, but not including, the crimped card and make the pass at this point; or, if you prefer, openly cut the pack several times, on the last cut taking the crimped key card to the bottom of the deck. Lay the deck on the table.
7. The trick is done: you have only to bring it to a dramatic conclusion. Point out that the spectator's card lies in the pack at a number you cannot possibly know, while on the table there is a card that has been freely shown to everyone-in this case, the king of spades. "You must admit," you say, " that what I propose to try is an utter impossibility. I shall make this card on the table fly to the very position in the pack occupied by your card, while your card shall leave the pack and take the place of my card. Pass! What was the number you thought of? Sixteen? Please take the pack yourself and deal to that number." The spectator does this and turns your card, the king of spades, very much it his surprise. "What was your card?" you ask. "The ace of hearts? Here it is." And you triumphantly flip the card on the table face upwards.


Ok you memorize the 1st card on the top of the deck.Then you turn the deck on its side and shuffle the cards in place. just run your thumb across the topp making that shuffling affect.in reality do not move the cards at all.just make that sound.have them tell u when to stop.stop there and "quickly" remove all the cards in between where they told you to stop and the top card by sliping the top card off the top and onto the top of bottom half of where u stopped. the card u just slipped off the top is now their card. in other words right from the beginning you will know their card. if u get really fast at this u can repeat it many times and they wont catch on.


Take an ordinary deck of cards and fan them out for your subject. Allow them to pick any card, but mark the place where they found it by holding the top cards in your right hand and the bottom cards in your left hand. While they are looking at their card push three cards in a loose fan off the top of the bottom stack. This looks you're giving the subject a good "landing pad for his card. When the card is replaced, quickly cut the cards with the top stack, the picked cards and the three you fanned out at the bottom. If you practice, you can do this unnoticed. The important thing is that the subject's card MUST be fourth from the bottom.
You may now shuffle the deck (as long as you don't disturb the bottom four cards). Or you can launch right in. Show the subject the bottom card and ask if it is their's. It isn't, so shift the cards parallel to the table and deal that card and shift the next bottom card to the top of the deck. Now the subject card is TWO from the bottom. Again, show the bottom card, asking if it's their's. When they say "no" pretend to deal the bottom card to the table, but actually deal the second from the bottom (their card).
This is done by shifting the bottom card with the holding fingers, while grabbing the subject's card with your dealing fingers. Now you shift the card they just looked at to the top of the deck, so they won't see it twice. It takes some practice to do this well. The subject's card is now on the table next to the first card.
Continue showing the bottom cards, dealing them to the table while shifting the next card to the top until you have four cards on the table. Ask if they are sure that they haven't seen their card, maybe even suggesting that they forgot it. Say "well let's be sure and check one more time, because I think it's there." Pick up the cards with the subject's card second from the bottom. Show the bottom card like before, pretend to put it on the table, but really put the subjcet's card on the table and move the seen card to the top. repeat until you are holding two cards, show them to the subject at the same time (remember he's seen one of them before -- if it's not the ace of spades he'll likely not notice since he's looking at two cards and looking for a card that's not there.) Without saying a word, turn over the subject's card.


Brute Force Memorization of a Deck of Cards:
If you've ever used a prearranged pack like the Si Stebbins, "Eight Kings,......". or the Nickola system then you may want to try using a memorised deck. With this tool you can certainly perform most of the tricks you can do with any of the above set-ups but you also can do so much more. Here is my actual tip: Take a deck and shuffle it throughly, now recite the deck's order onto a cassette tape, calling "Card number 1 (name of card 1), Card number 2 (name of card 2), Card number 3.....etc". Now by playing this tape over and over you'll begin to pick up the order, then start playing with the deck and you'll find it keeps getting easier.


First take out the 4 and 3 of hearts, and the 4 and 3 of spades. Then put the 4 of hearts on top, and the 3 of spades on the bottom. Give someone the other two cards (addmitting that you know what they are). Then tell them to put the cards in the deck somewhere. Don't shuffle them or anything, just ask them if you have moved their cards, and ask them if they think you know where they are. Then in one quick motion, without taking your fingers of the top and bottom card, through the cards into the other hand. (If done correctlly, the top and bottom card should be alone in one of your hands.) Hold them up quickly, and put them back on the deck. (THE PERSON WILL THINK THOSE WERE HIS CARDS, EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE THE OPPOSITE SUITS).


Ok, this is a good trick. and I hope evryone take advantage of it.
Take the four aces out of the deck, and arrange them in the order:
or vice versa
Arranged one on top of the other. Just so long as one of the colors is sandwhiched between the other two the trick works. (for this trick, the order will be red, black, black, red) Do a reverse count, showing the spectator that you have four aces. Do a double lift, and show that you have a black card on top, replace the two cards, and hand the top card, (actually a red card) to them face down, and tell them to keep it face down.
Then do another reverse count so the order is (red, black, black) do another double lift, and show the next top card to be another black card. replace the double on top, and hand them the top card, (actually the other red card) face down.
Then, reaffirm the fact that they have the black cards, and that you have the red cards. (actually you have the black, and them the red.) tell them that, because you like black cards better than red cards you'll have to do a switch, or flip-flop. tap your two cards, then tap their two cards. Then turn yours over, and tell them to turn their cards over. It will appear as though the reds and blacks have switched places.
works EVERY time if you can do a perfectly concealed double-lift.


Here's a trick called Color Blind. Hope you like it.
All you need for this trick is any 3 red cards and any 3 black cards. Ask an audience member if they can tell the difference between red and black. When they say yes, place the cards face up on the table one at a time letting them see you have 3 red and 3 black cards. Then pick the 3 red cards up and place them on top the 3 black cards. Fan the cards out for the audience and let them see that the 3 red cards are on top of the 3 black cards. Now turn the cards face down in your right hand, between the first joint of your thumb and the second joints of your other four fingers. You're now going to create 2 piles of cards, a "red" pile and a "black" pile. First, deal the bottom card face down on the table and say "red". Then, pull out the bottom card and lay it on top of the last red card (over lapping it a bit) and say "red". Now here's the Trick. With the middle, ring, and pinkie fingers of your right hand, slide the bottom card from the stack in your hand back a little bit towards your body, and instead of dealing the bottom card (a red card) you actually deal the second to bottom card (a black card) and say "red". Now slide the bottom card back into position and deal it to the right of the first pile and say "Black" (which it isn't) and start another pile just like the first. The cards should now look like this.
(Red Pile) (Black Pile)
1. red 4. red
2. red 5. black
3. black 6. black
Once you are done with that, take the first card in front of all the others from the "Black Pile", (number 6 above), and place it down in front of both piles and say "Black". Then take the first card from the "Red Pile" (number 3 above) place it over lapping the previous card, and say "Red" . Then alternate between the "Red" and "Black" piles saying "black" and "red" while over lapping the cards. The cards should now look like this.
6. black
3. black
5. black
2. red
4. red
1. red
Now the audience believes the cards are mixed up red, black, red, black. Take the first 3 cards off the top of the newly formed pile and show that they are all black, then show the bottom cards are all red.
The cards in the wrong piles (number 3 and 4 cards) are the only ones you have to make sure the audience doesn't see the color of during the trick. But the other cards (1,2,5, and 6 cards) are legitimate cards being put in the correct piles during the trick. So, to help sell this slight, you can let the audience catch a glimpse of these legitimate cards. Don't make it obvious that you're letting them see the cards, just lift them a little higher when dealing them so that the audience can see there color. If you let the audience see the color of some of the cards as you deal them, they will be amazed when they see them all together at the end of the trick.


The spectator tells you when to stop dealing cards from the bottom of the deck. Then the next card is is their card it goes face down on the table. You do this four times so that there are four piles and four seperet cards at the top of each pile. Then you tell the spectator to turn over the top cards and Magicly the four cards are the four aces.
How this is done you must now how to do the GLIDE if you don't now how e-mail me at babybat@sprint.ca and find out how. Now what you do is have all aces at the bottom of the deck preform the glide so that when they say stop dealing you pull out an ace and put it face down and say this is your card. Do that four times so that the four aces are at the front of each pile and there they are all four aces.


The magician rifles through the deck and the spectator tells him/her when to stop .... he stops the spectator takes the top card memorises it puts it back in the deak ... It is shuffled ... The magician tells the spectator that he will guess the card the spectator says "OK". Tha magician pulls out a sealed envelope and there is a peice of paper in it that says the card of the spectator.!!!
An ordinary pack of playing cards is needed, and a envelope and a piece of paper ... and skill on how to do a riffle force...
Well all you need to do before the trick is think of n-e card .Write it on a piece of paper conseal it in an envelope and put it away. Then put the card that you wrote down on the top of the deck... Riffle through it and when the person tells you to stop do the riffle force and that is it.

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