
O.k the trick goes like this: you need 16(or 20 or 25 or 30 or 49) cards out of the deck it doesn't matter which ones fan out the cards and have them pick one tell them to look at it and concentrate on the card because you are going to read their mind yatta yatta yatta now have them put the card back and shuffle the deck as much as they want then take the cards back and lay them face up in a grid like so:
x = a card
1 x x x x
2 x x x x
3 x x x x
4 x x x x
then ask them if it's in row 1 2 3 or 4 this narrows it down to four possible cards pick them up so that every fourth card is one from the row they told you make it look as random as possible so they don't catch on now lay them down again top to bottom (one of the rows should the four possible cards) now ask them if it's in column 1 2 3 or 4 now you know which card is theirs start picking up the cards and count in your head while you're doing it remember the number their card was. after you've picked up all the cards lay them down again this time face down like this:
x=not their card
z=their card
x x
x x x z
x x

x x
x x x x
x x
count back to yourself and remember the location of their card tell them you need their help finding their card don't let them touch the cards! give the piles names 1 2 3 and 4 and say pick two piles if one of the piles they pick has their card in it take away the other two now tell them to pick one pile again if they pick the pile with their card in it take the other one away otherwise take the pile they mention repeat these steps until only their card remains have them pick it up and ask if that's their card if you did it right they'll be amazed


First is get a deck of cards. And give them to the spectator...let them shuffle it then take the cards and put them into your pocket BUT remember the bottom card of the deck. Now ask them to pick 2 of the 4suits.....ex: There card is the Ace of Diamonds.....The spectator picks clubs and hearts...So you say to the spectator you have the spades and diamonds left over...and if they pick diamonds and hearts tell them to pick either face cards (Jack, Queen, King, and Ace) or Numbers. ex: There card is still the ace of diamonds.....The spectator picks numbers...so you tell them they have face cards left over...and if they pick face cards tell them to pick 2 of the 4 cards....ex: They pick king and queen of diamonds...so you tell them they have jack and ace left over and if they pick ace and any other face card tell them to pick 1 out of the 2 and if they don't pick the card you ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE MEMORIZED OFF THE BOTTOM OF THE DECK OF CARDS....ex: They have picked the Ace of diamonds (there card) and the king of diamonds (not there card) Now ask them to pick one of the 2 if they pick the king of diamonds tell them they have the ace of diamonds left over (BOTTOM CARD ON DECK) and if they pick the ace tell them that you will keep drawing cards out of your pocket (WHERE THE DECK IS) until they say stop which when they will say that u will pull out there card which will be on the bottom ex: You have asked them all the questions and there card is the ace of diamonds....YOU PULL THE CARDS OFF THE TOP OF THE DECK....WHEN THEY SAY STOP YOU PULL THERE CARD OFF THE BOTTOM OF THE DECK.......
walla you have made this the most perfect trick.....JUST DON'T SO IT AGAIN TO THE SAME PEOPLE THEY WILL CATCH ON QUICK!!!!!!!!!!!


First, You need to stack the deck to do this trick. Place all 4 aces at the bottom of the deck. Cut the deck in half and give the half without the aces to your spectator. Then ask them hold the half deck behind their back. You do the same. Now ask them to pick any card from the deck they have in their hands and give it to you, without looking at it or showing it to you. You then say "I am going to place the card in my deck FACE UP" You really don't do that. You put the card they gave you on the top of the deck face down, and then take an ace and place it FACE UP in the deck. You say to them. "I am going to take a card out of my deck and give it to you." You give it to them face down, and they place it in their deck FACE UP. YOu repeat this procedure again. Then you take the (1/2) decks and compare them to each other. The spectator will believe that he randomly picked 2 aces and gave them to you and you gave him 2 aces too. This is a good trick but takes a while to do. And make sure that people cannot see what you are doing behind your back.


Hey I know a card trick it is called Any way you count 'em.1.have audience shuffle as much as they want.2.take them back and deal them out like this.say you put down a 3 of clubs diamonds etc. then you lay seven more cards on it to make it ten face cards are 10.go till all cards are done if not enough to make 10 you just keep it in your hands.you tell the audience to point to three piles with more than four cards in them then you turn them face down (the whole pile you just flip over) then pick up all the other piles and put them in a pile you take the one pile not the three they pointed to and hold them.from that you discard 19 then you ask them to point to a pile you flip over the top card.if it is a lets say 4 you discard four from the one pile you already discarded from and then flip over the top card of another pile discard that many then you count how many are in your hand and flip over the top card of the last pile and that is how many is in your hand.


1. Using a regular deck, ask someone to pick a card at random. After they pull it out, you simply flip over the top and bottom card of the deck, making it appear like the cards all face the other way, when in reality, only the outermost 2 cards (one on each side) do. Ask the person then to insert their card back into the deck. Be careful not to open the deck too much so they don't see that the rest of the cards are turned around. Then simply flip back the two outer cards, and their card will be in the deck the wrong way. Simply flip through the deck until you get to it.


First take out the Jacks Kings Queens and Aces take the rest of the deck and place it in the middle of a table. Explain that the deck is a hotel and all these people are on vacation (Jacks Queens Kings and Aces) The kings rent first floor. place 1 of the 4 kings on each side of the deck then on top of those place the queens then jacks then aces in that order. so in each pile you will have a King Queen Jack and an Ace next tell a story how they all went on a walk and got mixed up. pick up the 4 piles and stack them on top of each other. now cut the deck 3 or 6 or 12 times anyway you want to. now from the top of the deck flip the cards into 4 piles around the "Hotel" if done right in each pile will be the 4 kings queens jacks and aces seperated.


This trick requires some practice:
With a regular deck of cards, tell someone to pick any card out of the deck. They can look at it, but don't tell you what it is.
Next, you tell them to put their card on the bottom of the deck. You then can shuffle the cards once or twice in front of them (only if you are experienced enough) because you need to keep their card on the bottom of the deck. You then tell them that you are going to shuffle the cards once behind your back. Moving the cards behind your back, you actually just fan the cards so that it makes a shuffling sound and slide the top card of the deck onto the bottom. Now their card is actually the second card from the bottom. You pull the deck back out in front of you and may shuffle them a couple more times as long as you keep the bottom 2 cards in the same place. Then shoe the bottom card and ask them if it was their card. They will say "no". While they say "no" slide their card (second from bottom) out of the deck (they think you have just pulled the bottom card off) and put it aside. then put the next card on top. (This takes some practice so they do not see what card you have actually pulled). Then shoe them the bottom card again and ask if it is their card. Again they will say no. So take the bottom card, put it aside also. Then put the next card on top the deck. Repeat this two more times until you have a stack of 4 cards. Remember, the first card you laid down was the one they picked out of the deck, but they do not know this. Spread the cards in a four corner fashion. Remember where their card is at. tell them to pick number 1-4. Whatever number they pick, just make the counting end up on that corner.

Trick #2 (is actually continuation of Trick 1)

this is great.
Instead of putting the cards into a four corner fashion. Keep them in their stack. Remember, there card should be on the bottom of all four cards. Pick the cards up (careful not to expose them). Tell them to take off any rings on their fingers (if right handed they should use right hand, if left handed, use left hand. Tell them to hold out their index and middle finger like a pair of scissors. Have them open their two fingers. Place the cards face down in between their fingers and tell them to squeeze tight but not too tight on the cards.
When placing the cards between their fingers, approximately 80% of the cards should be on the outside of their hand. (not towards palm). With them snugly squeezing the cards with 2 fingers, slap the longer portion (80% facing outside) of the cards with your two fingers. Miracously, their card is the only card left in their fingers. This trick takes practice. It is important their card is on the bottom the entire time. The trick is, when you have any 4 cards placed between two fingers correctly, the bottom card (for some odd reason) will always be the one that stays there.
I usually combine tricks #1 and #2 for a better effect.


1. Select seven cards from the top of the deck, it doesn't matter what they are. Spread the cards with only six of them showing with the remaining seventh card hidden behind the top card.
2. Have a spectator select a card and replace it into the pack while you still have them spread.
3. After, count from the right what number his card is from the end. Then quickly close the spread and count that number of cards down onto the table.
4. Then place the counted cards into the center of the deck and place the remaining on top of the deck. If perfromed correctly then the chosen card will actually be on top of the deck.
5. Begin laying one by one off the top of the deck and allow the spectator to decide when to stop. After he does so, pick up the pile on the table and place it between two of his fingers (preferably slightly bent so he holds the cards at the second knuckle to make it easier). His card should be on the bottom of the deck.
6. Once he has them tell him to hold on tight. With a quick slap hit down on the cards several times or until only one card is remaining. If you have followed directions the only card he is holding is the card he previously selected.


This is a really cool trick but it takes days to get it down. Take one Card out of the deck and set it faces up on the table. Tell the person To look at the card, and then set it back down on the table. Take a Napkin, one that is square, and burn the edges just a little bit with a Cutting torch. Tell the person that once there was a man named Joe that Went into an old hotel. There were evil spirits of dead space aliens in The hotel walls. (This part is important). The space alien spirits Called upon their god to forever torture the human who had disturbed Their peace. They were cast upon a spell and rose from the walls. Then Joe saw them and ran as fast as he could. The evil spirit's scream Caused Joe to fall down the stairs and brutally shatter his spine. Then Take an old rag, and with hot water, squeeze it around the card, making A ring of water around it. Then tell the person that Joe started to Bleed internally, so blood came out of his mouth. Take red food colouring And put in the water to make it look like blood. Hover your hand over The card and say Joe! Joe! Let thou evil spirits of space aliens be cast Away from your blood forever! Take Comet, (you know, the cleaning Stuff), and say, I take the evil soul from the space aliens' throats and Cast it upon yours, to bring you back into the eternal apocalypse! At This time, sprinkle the comet on the water with food colouring in it. Now The water should turn a green- bluish colour. Act shocked and says, Oh Goodness! The soul of our great friend jack has been uncovered by all Aliens' internal metabolism! We must not let this cannibalistic ritual Be carried out! Take a turntable and place the card face down on it. Use applesauce and put a small pile of it in the middle of the card. Turn the table around 3 times, each time saying outer space of the demon Majestic, long live humanity! Now take crazy glue and put paste on the Back of the card, above the applesauce. Press the card on the forehead Of the spectator, and scream- Let this apple of the creator of time and All prehistoric animals are used to draw the great and all mighty forces Of the universe! All thou of the roman gods in the stars send to me the Lightning which shall prove the truth to all people of the incredible Republic, show I know them your card! Tell them what there card was and Let the bow to you in utter amazement of your quality in a Russian Ambassador of extra terrestrials!


Have the person shuffle and cut the cards as much as possible. Then fan out the cards and ask them to pick one. Have them memorize it and put it at the bottom of the deck. Here's the trick when you shuffle the cards bend the bottom one back enough to take a peek at it; then continue with shuffling. With some practice you be able to do it quicker with out them suspecting. Then fan out the deck and pick it out. They will be amazed.


First shuffle the deck, then make the bottom card known to you by use of the "peek". Now riffle the deck, and ask the spectator when to stop, now cut the deck, but not legidimetely, but take the top portion of the deck, and set it down on the table. Now take the other portion, and place it on the other pile sideways. Now say " Now that you have cut the deck, choose the top card of the bottom deck." When they do take it, and note what it is, have them shuffle it in the deck. Now place the shuffled deck on your head, and tell them what it is


Take any 16 cards out of the deck. Make four rows with four cards in each row. Have a spectator pick and card and tell you which row it is in. Not the Card just the row. The row that the spectator picks you pick it up and place it face up in your hand. Then put the rest of the cards on top face up. Now flip the deck over so it is face down in your hand. Now take the top four cardsand if they were these dashes you would set them up like this - - - - then put the rest underneath in rows. Then tell the spectator to say again which row his card is in. Then do the same thing. Put the row he points to face up and the rest on top face up. The first four cards contains the spectators card. You want to put one card for every plus sign. The first pile like that should contain the spectators card.


The top card of the 16 before making that shape should be the spectators card. Always remeber where that card is. Now tell the spectator to pick two piles. You take those two piles and just dont worry about them any more. If the spectator picks the pile containing his card then take away the opposite two piles. Then tell the spectator to pick two cards from the two remaining piles cards total. Again If thespectator picks his card then take the opposites of the ones he picks. Now there should only be two cards left. Tell the spectator to pick one card. Again if he picks his card then take away the opposite card.The remaining card will be your spectators card. Dont spoil the trick by saying how you do it.


This is relatively simple.Get the deck and place them in 4 piles consisting of red and black.Like this
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
etc etc etc etc
Now place the piles on top of eachother in this fashion,RED,BLACK,RED,BLACK.
(ieRed King is on top of Black Ace.Now ask someone to shuffle the deck 10 times.They may pick up as many or as little cards as they like BUT when they shuffle,they must put the cards they pick up next to the un picked deck,then put the unpicked deck on top of the picked cards.Like this.Say they only take the very top card.
X(51 cards) 1(the 1 picked card)
Now put the 51 on top of the one.Now repeat in this way 9 more times.Now afterwords deal the cards face up like this
X X X X X X X (when done there should be 13 piles with 4 cards each)
If done correctly,were the X's are in the diagram,there will be 4 cards of the same number.Pretty cool!


Deal out three piles of seven cards face down. Ask a volunteer to pick a pile. Fan the pile so the volunteer can see the cards and ask them to remember a card. Close the pile and put it in between the other two piles. Close the piles so that the left pile is on the top, the middle is in the middle, and the right is on the bottom. Again deal three piles of seven cards face down. Hold up one pile one at a time and ask the volunteer if their card is in the pile if the volunteer says Yes put the pile into the middle between the left and the right pile and repeat everything in Bold text. Act a bit and deal out ten cards and the next card is the card the volunteer choose!


Memorize the bottom card e.g. 6 of spades. Spread them out on a table and tell someone that they will pick the 6 of spades but not to look at it. You look at that card and tell them that they will pick that card. Repeat the procces. Say that you will pick one (the one you just looked at) and pick the six of spades. show them the three cards. (if they somehow pick the 6 of spades pretend that that was the magic trick)


This is one of my many mind boggling card tricks. It lets your audience deside on the outcome of the trick.
+ Shuffle the deck in any way you wish, just know what the bottom card is. You can have the person you are doing the trick to shuffle, just peak for the bottom card.
+ Wright down the bottom card on a peice of paper. Say "This is my prediction of the card you will select."
+ Deal 12 cards to the person. Have them pick any four (4) cards and place them face up. Take the remaining eight (8) cards and place them on the bottom of the deck.
+ Now tell them you are going to equal the face value of the cards they selected to ten. Ace being one, face cards are already ten. If they lay down a 2, 7, J, and 4 you would place eight cards on the 2, three on the seven, NO cards on the J, and six on the four.
+ Next, take the cards you neatly laid on the cards they selected, and place on the bottom of the deck.
+ Tell them to add of the face vaule of the cards they selected. In this situation, it will be 23. Deal out 23 cards, and on the 23RD, flip it up. Now tell them to check the prediction you made before the card trick was started. They will be amazed.


Heres a cool card trick!!!!!! it's a self working trick. First of all you have to have a full 52 card deck and if there are jokers take them out. take the deck and lay the first card face up(This card can not be a face card if it is just put it at the bottom and draw the next card)it has to be a card with a # and whatever that card is count to 13. Example-if the card was a 7 you would lay down more cards Following, counting 8,9,10,11,12,13. now when your laying down these cards it dosent matter if the card following is a face card or so on. Repeat this step 5 times and then flip all the piles over and ask someone to pick two piles to go and when they do take them and add them to the rest of the cards in your hand and them ask them to choose two top cards on any of the three piles then as soon as they do take the cards in your hands and count down ten of them face down. Then look at the two cards they have picked and add them up and lay that many cards down that are in your hand say the number was 7 you would go 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and then sart over again (if there are more cards left in your hand if not just stop when you run out of cards)and then count until you land on the last card and what ever you where like 5 that will be the card in one of the three piles that hasnt been turned over that will be the nuber of the card that you turned over!!!!!!!!!!!


Name: Flip and Flop Force. First: shuffle cards and note the top card. lay the deck out face down and ask your spectator to cut the deck , flip it over, and place it back on the deck. then ask them to do it again, deeper this time. Finally, remove all the cards on the top of the deck that face up. Ask them to take the top card. That card will be the card that you noted in the beginning!


First you order the cards from ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9 to 2. Do that with each suite and make them in seperate piles. Its ok for the person your doing this to to see this. Then take the first suit and stack up all the piles. Then cut the deck 13 times! Then lay out the cards in 3 rows, the first row has 4 cards across, the second row has 4 cards across, and the last row has 5 cards across. put a card on each pile one at a time and go in order. Then when you flip the piles over it will be all one number, 5's, all the 6's, 7's, aces, kings etc!


Take out the 3 and the 4 of diamonds and hearts.put one of the 4's on the bottom and the 3 of the other sute on the top.Then without showing the bottom, place the other three and four in the deck anywhere.Slap the deck with your hands and say "i can pull the 3 and 4 out of the deck."Then place your thumb on the top and your pointer finger on the bottom.Then throw the deck holding on to the two top and bottom card .


Shuffle the deck in front of your audience. Ask for an volunteer. Start dealing the cards face up onto a table. Memorize the third card you deal onto the table. After you know what the third card is, tell your volunteer to tell you when to stop dealing the cards. when told stop. Now, flip the deck over, so the card you know is the third card from the top. Cut the deck into three piles. Remeber which pile the card you have memorized is on. make believe you are equaling out the piles. Switch the top cards around. You must take the two cards off the card you know so its ontop of one of the piles. Tell your volunteer to pick up the card (which you already know)on whatever pile it's on. Tell the person to show the other people in the audience. Now take the card back and shuffle it into the deck(REAL GOOD TO IMPRESS THE AUDIENCE). After you are done shuffling the cards, deal out eight cards face up across the table. Tell the audience that these cards will tell you what their card is. You know what the card is, so you make up reasons from the cards on the table to tell you what the card is. EXAMPLE: The card is Ace of Hearts. On the table you have five cards of hearts and four of clovers, you could say that because there are more hearts,the clovers are canceled out. You get rid of the cards of clovers. So that means the card has the suit of hearts. Then out of the cards you have a 7, 5, 3, of hearts. going down in that pattern would be a 1. So that means the cards is an Ace. The card is Ace of Hearts.


Take 27 cards and put them into piles of three. Have a person look at the cards and select one and remember it. They should not take it out of the pile but remember it. Have them tell you what pile the card is in and then pick the piles up and put the pile with their card in it in the middle of the three piles. Lay the cards in the sam way again, but this time put the first card in thee first pile, the second card in the second pile and so on. When you get to the fourth card place it in the first pile and repeat the process. Do this one more time and thieir card will always be the eleventh in the pile. try it, it works!


Put cards out exactly like this:
+ +
+ + +
+ +
Make sure that any of the 4 sevens are in the middle. Now this takes one assistant who knows the trick and one person to do it on. You tell the assistant to go in the other room. Now tell the person who you are doing it on to point to a card and to remember it. Let the assistant come back in. Now you keep touching different cards each time but when you touch the center (which is the seven) touch the spade heart diamond or club which the card the person pointed to.Example: say the person pointed to the top left hand corner you would point to the top left hand spade heart diamond or club.


First a special preperation has to be made for the trick. Take three jack's and set them aside. Now take now take the jack that is still in the deck and put it second spot from the bottom. Now you're ready! Take one of the three jack's that were set aside and put it on the top of the prepared deck. Then say, "one Jack on top." Then take one card from the bottom and put it on top. Say "one card from the bottom on top." repeat this until you have one jack left. put that jack on the top and say the usual "one jack on top." tap the deck three times and pull off the top three card s they will be the three jacks!


First you need a deck of regular cards, and some sand paper, you shave down one side of the deck slightly so when you hand it to people they can't tell that it is un even. Then you tell them to pick a card and put it in the deck anywhere but make shure you flip the card around, then you can pick there card out of the deck by looking for a corner that sticks out slightly!!


This works with an ordinary deck of cards and an audience (rather close).
Ask a spectator to shuffle the deck of cards so you cannot possibly know the order of the cards. Then have them return the deck to you. Tell them that you will now shuffle the deck behind your back. Shuffle the deck behind your back. Then square the deck behind your back and grab the deck with one hand with your palm on top. Then bring your arm back into the audience's view and show them the bottom card without you, the magician, seeing it. Then call out a card, like the "10 of spades".
(I use that card because I have gotten it right many times before). You will most likely be wrong. Say you will shuffle the deck again behind your back. This time act like you are shuffling the deck behind your back, in which you actually take the top card (which is face down) and flip it over (so it is face up). You then square the deck and show them the bottom card again. This time you can see the top card which is face up. Remember that card. For example we will use the "Jack of Clubs". Try to guess the bottom card again, in which you will probably be wrong. You will now get a reaction from the audience like something is wrong. This is good, for it catches them off guard. Say something like, "i need to concentrate harder" and such like that. Get Creative! Now bring the deck behind your back again without showing them the top card, which is face up. (u do not need to tell them that you are shuffling the deck, they will already assume) Now, behind your back, take the top card, which is face up, and place it on the bottom. Then take the next card on the top, which is face down, and turn it over so it is face up. Then square the deck and show the audience. Now if u remember the card you saw earlier, you can do the trick. Since the card you saw earlier was the Jack of Clubs, Guess something like "OK, i know it is a club.....i think it is......a 9 !!!" in which you will be wrong again. Repeat all previous steps until you show them the deck again. This time get the card right, just the wrong suit. Tell them that your powers are coming back. Then Repeat the steps again until you show them the deck again and get the cards right. Dont overdo it. Your audience will get suspicious quick. You can end the trick by bringing the deck behind your back and taking the top card (which is face-up) and placing it on the bottom, and do nothing else. Square the deck and bring it out into view, and put the cards face-down on the table. Then say "And the bottom card is...." and you can do whatever you want here. Note: if u purposely guess it wrong on the last time, you will have your audience baffled!!!
I take no credit for this trick, it was shown to me by a friend at school.


Only do this trick one time because an acute crowd will pick up on how it is done.
First off get a volenteer. Next ask them to pick a # between 5 and 15. Once they have that # tell them to start at the top of the deck and count down to their #.(important that they do not mix up the order of the cards) turn your back while they do this and ask them to do it silently so you could not possible know how far down the card is in the deck. When they are done turn back around and take the deck behind your back and say you are going to move their card to another location in the deck.(make a noise with the deck like riffleing through it or something but do it quickly.) What you doing behind your back is taking the top and placing it at the bottom. Once this is done bring the deck infront of you again and say something like, "To prove that I moved your card would you please tell me how far doen in the deck it is?" the sepectator will say the number and you will take the top card and show it around to make sure it isn't their card and place it face down in a plie. take the next and don't show it just place it face down on top of the first card. do this until you get to the number where their card should be and of course it won't be their card so put it in the middle of the deck or at the bottom. next take the face down pile and place it on top of the rest of the deck. Give the deck a knock, turn over the top card and it will be their card.


Ok here is my trick. First take out 21 cards. Then put them in 3 rows of 7 each.(lay them one on top of the other face up.) tell your spectator to pick a card but not to take it out or to tell you what the card is. Then get them to tell you what colum it is in. Then take one of the colums that doesn't have there card then take the colem with the card then take up the last colem. Then flip the cards over so they are face down. Put them down top on the first row, the next card in the middle and the last on the third colum. then ask what colum it is in again. Do this 4 times including the time where the spectator picks the card. On your last time ask them what colum and count the fourth card in that colum is there card.


First, take a regular deck and divide it into 2 piles. 1 of red cards and 1 of black cards. Then put the piles back together so there is only 1 pile, put the black pile on the top. (make sure the reds stay together and the blacks stay together. Also, you must do this deck preparing beforehand.) Second, take a red card and a black card out of the pile and set them in front of the spectator face up. Give the deck of cards, face down, to the spectator and ask them to put the cards they think are red in the red pile and the cards they think are black in the black pile. (the black and red piles are determined by the red and black cards you put face up in front of the spectator.) Then when they are about half way through the deck tell them to switch, so that now they are trying to put blacks in the red pile and reds in the black pile. They may think to get the cards in their right colored piles is impossible but they don't know about the deck preparing you did before. Third, you must grab the pile that started out as the red pile when they're done dividing the cards.(they should look at the black pile. I usually say "Now let's see how you did. You get that other pile.") The blacks will be first and they will be touching the red card that determined the red colored pile. Put the red card by the reds in the divided pile. You will see that there is about half and half. Tell them they did a great job.
Because the cards are divided blacks and reds before they start dividing it just works out so that in the end there is half and half.


Ok, take a regular 52 card deck. have the spectator shuffle as much as they want because you do not need to set the deck.
Once they are done, take the deck and lay down the first card face up, if it is a face card put it back into the deck because you need a number card. if it is a number card, lets say a 6, you would lay down on top of it how ever many cards it would take to get to thirteen (so on the 6 you would lay 7 face up cards), once to thirteen lay another card (not a face card) if the card you lay is a 9, lay 4 face up cards on it. continue to do this until you come to a situation where you lay lets say a 5, but you only have 3 cards left, just pick up the 5 and place back into the deck, this is your pile you will need later.
Now take and flip over all the piles so they are all face down and in neat little decks, ask the spectator to pick how ever many deck it takes so that there are 3 face down piles left, you can do this in your own creative way just a long as you get the number of the piles down to 3.
Now ask the spectator to pick 2 of the 3 piles, flip the top card ove of these 3 piles. Then say that you will guess the number of the top card that is on top of the third pile.
Now add the number of the 2 fliped over cards together, then add ten. so if the 2 cards are 5 and 6 and ten to get 19. remember this number
By now you should have taken the earlier piles and the piles discarded by the spectator in one pile. Count the number in this pile. take that number of the discarded cards and subtract it by the number of the 2 fliped up cards + 10 =whatever and your answer will be the top card in the third pile. (ex. 33 discards - 24 (2 cards flipped up + 10) = 9 the top card on the third pile.


Take a deck and arrange the cards like this:
1 of spades
1 of diamonds
1 of clubs
1 of hearts
2 of spades
2 of diamonds
2 of clubs
And so on.....
So now the deck should go from 1 to Ace with the arranged order of suites above. Now fan the cards out and have the spectator choose one. Be sure you remember where they pulled the card. Stick your fingernail in the spot and square the deck. Now open the deck where your fingernail is and see what the card is. Then tell the spectator what their card is. So if the top card is 6 of hearts, the next card will be 7 of spades. If its Ace of spades, then their card is Ace of diamonds. And there you go.


For this trick you first need several pennies (for example 6) and take out all the number cards equal to the number of pennies (for example if you have six pennies take out all four sixes). Arrange the cards this way :
X = Any card
6 X 6 X 6 X 6 X
Now put this arrangement on the top of the deck (make sure that the six is the very first card).
Tell your spectator that you have a small fortune and show them the pennies but do not give them enough time to count them.Now deal the cards on the table as shown above.
Now ask the spectator for a number from 1 - 8.If if the number is odd count from left to right.If the number is even count from right to left.Put the extra cards somewhere in the deck where the spectator can not see it.Now turn over the card and give the pennies to the spectator to count.They will be amazed when they find out the number of the pennies and the card are the same.


Beforehand know the top card of the deck. Shuffle the cards in front of the person that is watching. You must shuffle so that the top card stays in place. This is easiest in the dovetail shuffle, but can be done using others. Cut the deck into three roughly equal piles, face down. One of the piles, you already know the top card. Recite the top card as if you know it (which of course you do) But pick the top card to one of the other piles. Then act surprised and you are correct. Now recite the card you have in your hand and pick up the top card of the other stack. (Not the stack with the top card you knew from the begining) And act surprized once more. Then pick up the top card of the remaining stack and say the name of the card you just picked up. Now show the three cards, both named properly, and smile.

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