To do my trick you rig the deck by putting all of the cards face down except for the bottom one. You fan out the cards and ask the person you are doing the trick on to pick a card(when they pick don't let them see that the bottom card of the deck is face up) When they have there card tell them to focus really hard on the deck. When they are focusing on the deck you flip the deck over. They cannot tell you flipped it over because the bottom card is now face down and it appears that the deck is the same. Now you tell them to push there card into the deck somewhere in the middle. When they have done that you put the cards behind your back and flip the top card over. You now bring the cards out and spread them face down on the table. There card should be the only one facing up and they are amazed!
Ok here is my trick. You take out a small packet of eleven cards from a deck. The proceed to deal the first card into a spectators hand and places the next card underneath the packet and then you repeat this process until all cards are dealt. Then turning over the packet the spectator notices they are all in order of Ace to jack. You repeat the process several more times and other cool combos come up. For example: odds together and evens together,hearts and spades, etc. and finally it regroups itself into the original ace to jack.
It is more a puzzle than a trick so it is all the the initial arrangement. Reading from the top down place this sequence of eleven cards: 6 of spades,10 of clubs, 5 of clubs, 8 of spades, 4 of clubs, jack of diamonds, 3 of diamonds, seven of hearts, 2 of hearts, 9 of diamonds, and ace of hearts. Now place it on the rest of the deck and you set for the trick. Pick up the deck and deal off the top eleven cards, one at a time, this reverses the order. now put the first card face up in the spectators hand and the next face down on the bottom of the packet. and do as told in the effect on the first paragraph!!!!!!
2 Tricks
Name:Mind Reading Effect:
A spectator chooses a card and puts it back into the deck on the top. The magician then finds the card instantly.
When the spectator chooses a card and look at it,look at the bottom card and memorize it. This will be your key card.After the spectator places the card back on the top,cut the deck and go through the deck. The card right after your key card will be the spectator's card.
Name:Appearing aces
The spectator cuts the deck into 4 parts.Then, the magician places them side by side.He takes the first part,places three cards from the top to the bottom,then deals one card onto each of the other parts.He then repeats for the other parts.After that,he turns over the top card of each part and they are all aces! Preparation:Put the 4 aces on the top of the deck.
This trick is selfworking.Just follow the instructions given in the effect and it works by it self!
First you need a deck of cards with a word on it. Put the cards the right way. Ask them to pick a card and look at it. when they put it in make sure they put it in upside down. tell them you will find there card without looking at the bottom. there is only one card that is upside down that is there card.
Separate the colours from black and red. Tell the person to pick a card from any colour but don't let them know that it is separated. While they look at the card tell them to write it down so when they are writing it down switch the colour decks and when they are done. Tell the person to put it in the deck anywhere. Then you can shuffle it or not but you can easily find that card because that card will be standing out.
Take out all the (EACH SUIT)aces, king, queens, jacks, and the 10's. Now set them up like this.
bottom now do this for all the suits ace
Now tell the spectator to cut the cards....tell them to cut ti once each time.....not to cut the deck more than once ( like more than one pile) this will ruin the trick. Now deal out the cards in 5 piles...from left to right every time....Now if performed right all the aces...kings.....queens....jacks...and 10's will be in there separate piles..all kings in one...etc.
This is one of my favorite tricks which if done right will have the person you are doing it on in complete and utter amazement(or if you get it wrong your look like a complete fool so make sure you practice it. They will be able to pick a card and you will be able to tell them what their card is!!! Give the pack of cards to the person you are doing the trick on and ask them to shuffle the pack as much as they want. Take back the cards and fan them out ask them to pick any card they want, tell them to look at it and remember what that card is. Tell them to put the card on top of the deck, behind your back take the top card and place it on the bottom of the deck. Hold up the pack of cards in front your face so that you can see the bottom card remember this card because it is there, and say that when you put the deck down you want the person to tell you whether that is there card on top(this is just to throw them of the scent). When they say now that it not my card, tell the person that you are making it to easy in that case, split the pack so that the bottom card ends up in the middle and invite them to shuffle the deck. Fan out the cards and show them there card, its as simple as that just remember to practice it before you do it.
Here is a neat little trick if it is performed correctly. First, before the trick take the deck and divide them into red and blacks. Then, take the two decks of red and black, BUT DO NOT TELL THE PERSON ABOUT IT BEING DIVIDED THE WAY IS, and ask the person to choose a deck. Now, fan out the deck and ask the person to choose a card and place it anywhere in the deck. Now all you have to do is shuffle the deck then look at all the cards in that deck and whatever card is different in color thats their card!!!
This is another great Card Trick its where 4 kings will rise from the pack to the top of the deck with one slap of the cards. You will have to rig the pack before you start you will need to find all four kings, fan out all four kings in your hand and put any four cards of your choice neatly behind the last King so that you cannot see them. Tell the person who you are doing it to that these 4 Kings walk into a Hotel, place the fanned out Kings and the cards behind them on top of the deck. Say that all 4 kings want different rooms place the first card of the top onto the bottom, and do the same with the other 4 cards putting them anywhere in the deck of your choice. Having the cards face down as you do it as not to show them the rig cards. Now tell them that one day there was a big earthquake slap the cards on a side of a table as to simulate an earthquake. Say that the force was so great that all the kings got pushed to the top. Now show them the top 4 cards they should all be kings(if you have done the trick right that is).
Count out 21 cards. Then make 3 rows of 7. Ask someone to pick a card but only tell youwhat row it is in.. always place the row they picked between the other 2.. Repeat 3 times.. Now count out 11 cards.. It should be there card if done right....
Look at the bottom card and memorize it. Now fan the cards out. Tell them to pick whatever card thats at the bottom out of the cards and slide it to you do it without looking at it. Now tell them to pick whatever card they slid out and slide it to you. Now say I will take the one they just slid out of the deck and then take the bottom card. Now you should have all the cards you requested.
The Three Thieves
Someone at school actually showed me this trick and I must admit it was very impressive and yet so simple.
You take a normal deck of playing cards and you take out three of the Jacks, making sure you rig the cards by placing the fourth Jack at the bottom of the pile.
Place the deck of cards on a table and tell your audience that the deck represents a house
Then flash the three Jacks before the audience's eyes very quickly, and tell them :
"Three Jacks - they are the three thieves."
"The first thief enters the house from the roof" and out one of the Jacks on top of the deck.
"The second thief enters the house from the ground floor" and shove the second Jack somewhere into the middle of the deck.
"The third thief enters from the basement" and place the last Jack under the bottom of the deck.
Tell the audience that he is the policeman and that it is his job to apprehend all three thieves together. Tell him to cut the deck, placing the bottom half on top of the first half. Then tell him to take the deck, fan it out, and lo and behold, the three Jacks are found all in a row...
This trick requires no preparation, no fancy moves, and should only ever be shown once to a group.
Fan out the whole deck of 52 cards with the backs to your audience.
Tell you chosen but unknowing accomlice that it is in fact he or she that is magical and that he/she is going to tell you the colour particular cards that he/she hasn't seen.
Place 2 cards down face up on the table as the 1st cards in 2 piles. One is red, the other black.
Select a card from the pack and place it on the table without showing it's colour to the auydience or your assistant. Ask your assistant which colour he thinks it is and place it on the pile (still face down) he suggests.
Repeat this for about 10 cards but make sure you keep choosing the same colour as your 1st card.
After 10 pull out 2 more cards of differtn colours and place them face up on the pile of the opposite colour. Tell your assistant that you want to change the colour of each pile. Continue selecting cards from the deck as before only this time choose cards of the opposit colour you were choosing before.
Do this for another 10 or so and put the rest of the deck down. Ask your assistant how confident he is and flip over the pile of cards where the marker cards actually match the other cards you have put down on top of them. While your assistant look amazedly ad his great work deftly pull the marker card in the middle of the other pile and flip over the other pile. Throw the marker card on top and flip over the remaining marker card and deftly flick it of the pile. This will give the illusions that as with the other pile your assistant has succesfully predicted the colour of over 20 cards.
Give it a go....no practice neccessary.
Okay put the cards black red black red through the whole pack. Tell a person to pick a card any card. Tell them to remeber it. Tell them to put the card any where in the deck. Then look through the deck the cards that are the same color right next to each other. You have to take a wild guess but usually it is the first one.
This is a really cool trick and it's pretty easy too!
1. Look at the bottom card
2. Fan out the cards and tell your helpful helper to pick a card.
3. After he/she picks a card, cut the deck and tell the person to put the card on the top of the first half of the deck.
4. Then put the second half of the deck on the first half and tell them that their body heat is so hot that when you touch their card, it will burn your hand.
5. Look threw the deck untill you come to the bottom card, their card will be the card before or after depending on how you looked for it.
My trick is called the spelling test. Before starting you must get 13 cards ace to king. Set it in this order.3,8,7,ace,queen,6,4,2,jack,king,10,9 from top to bottom. Start by spelling ace one card each letter.
Example: a-c-e put three cards under t-w-o put three under again. and so on.
To do my trick you first have to look at the bottom card before you show a friend. Then spread the pack of cards on the table but don't forget where the bottom card is and what it is. When you have all your cards down tell the person to pick out the the bottom card name but dont tell them where it is the could pick whatever card they want. When they pick the card tell them not to look at it then give it to you. When you look at the card tell them to pick the card that you have in your hand don't show it to them. Repeat that one mare time then tell them that I am going to pickout the the card that I remembered where it was and what it is. Then show them the cards at the end and it will be the cards that you told them to pick.
First you have to know the bottom(A way I like to find out is say something like, "To do this trick I have to remove my bad luck.(queen of spades) As you go through the deck looking for it memorize the bottom card.) Now all you have to do is force a card on that person making them think they chose it. Do the following steps to force a card on the. *the bottom card is what you are going to force on them* eg. card 5 of clubs
1. ask them to pick 2 suits eg Hearts and Diamonds. Note if the suits they pick aren't they one that your forced card is say "that leaves spades and clubs, pick one of those.) IF the suits they pick are one of the cards say "pick one of those two suites. continue using this until you get to in this case clubs.
2. now name four different cards from that suit (it doesn't matter which ones just make sure the forced card is one of them.)
3. Narrow it down so that the 5 of clubs is there card.
Next ask them how many cards they want you to pul until you get to the 5 of clubs. (mae sure you draw them from the bottom) Now here is the tricky part which takes some practice. When you go to take the cards from the bottom you want to make sure you pull the second card from the bottom because the bottom is their card. To do this slightly slid the bottom card towards you and just grab the edge of the second card. This is a sleight called the glide. now just repeat the glide until you get to the number they picked and pull the bottom card which is The 5 of clubs. This a good trick but only do it once to someone.
This trick takes some practice ,but has a great final effect
Here's a trick. The person shuffles the deck. Then they they put the top card in a book or envelope that you show them. (Say "There's no possible way since you shuffled it.) You take a piece a paper from somewhere and that's there card!
Answer: When you put the book on top of the deck, there is a card under it. That card will go on the top when you show the book. Before anything starts, write the card (ex. 5 diamonds) on the piece of paper that you show at the end.
First you need 4 Aces 4 Jacks 4 Queens and 4 Kings.Then you take the Queens and lay them out then you take the Jacks and lay them on top then you take theKings and lay them out Then you take the Aces and lay them on top.then you take them and shuffle and lay them out like you just did only the Aces will be on top of each other.
This trick takes some minor preparation... First you take out the 6 of hearts, 6 of diamonds, 9 of hearts, and the 9 of diamonds. Place the 6 of hearts on the top of the deck, and the 9 diamonds on the bottom (or you can do the opposite: 9 hear, 6 diamond-which ever you prefer).
Now for the trick: with the other 2 cards not already placed you quickly show the spectator and ask them to place those cards anywhere in the deck they want, then place the deck on the table to prove you weren't holding the cards. Once done you say something about "magically taking the cards from the center of the deck" and place fingers firmly on the top and bottom card and "toss" the rest of the deck into your other hand. This does take practice, so don't show someone until you've tried it a few times or you'll blow the trick.
Ok, for this trick, you'll have to first shuffle the deck. Then, do some fancy trick that lets you see the top card. After that, declare that for the next trick, you will cut the deck up into piles, and then predict what the top card is. Now, for the next step, whatever you do, DON'T SHUFFLE THE DECK. Why? Here's why: remember I told you to remember the top card of the deck? Well, picking up, let's say, half the deck, cut that half up, but make sure you don't put any cards over the top card that you know what it is. Now, let's say you have 7 piles of cards. Tell someone from the audience to write down the cards you read out.*Remember where you put the top card*! Pick up the top card from one of the decks (not the one you know) and say it is the 7 of diamonds (or whatever the top card was). Let's say this card was the 6 of clubs. Next, pick up another card. Say it's the 6 of clubs. It's really not, in fact, it's the 5 of hearts (supposedly). Next card you pick up, it's the 5 of hearts that you say, but you pick up the top card (you can do this longer, but it'll get boring). Give the cards to a member of the audience, and ask them if those were the cards you picked out. That's the trick. Just one thing tho, you have to practice to act naturally. If you don't, and you pause to look at the card you picked up to often, it won't look so good.
Simplest trick I know. Take a deck of cards in any order.Look at the bottom card and memorize it. Fan out the cards and have someone pick a card. Tell them to remember it. Now tell them to put the card on the bottom of the deck. Cut the deck in half placing the bottom half on the top. Now just look for the card you memorized (the bottom card), and what ever card is in front of it is the persons card.
Seperate the deck into three equal piles. Tell the other person to pick off the top of one of the piles. When they memorize the card have them put it back. Take the pile on which they set their card and put it on top of another pile. Get the card nestled in your hand so you can pick it up easily. Quickly move it to the last pile left and put that pile on top of the other two. Flick the top of the deck(for effect)and show them the top card.
Practice this to get it perfect.
1. shuffle the deck of cards
2. take the 1st 3 cards and put them on the table, face down
3. tell the person to pick any card and put it on top of those 3 cards
4. next you put the deck on top of those 4 cards
5. then you hold up the deck so they can see the bottom card and you ask them if that is their card and they will say no, so you put the card on the bottom face down on the table.
6. next you put the next card that is showing on the bottom on top of the deck.
7. here is the tricky part, you show them the next card and ask them if it is their card and they will say no so you slip the card after it on the table which is their card and put the one that you would have showed them on the top
8. do the same thing that i said for num. 6 two more times
9. you put the deck full of cards off to the side and take the 4 cards and make sure the third card is theirs and then you ask them if the card on the bottom is their card and the will say no
10. so you put the bottom card on the table, then you ask them if the next card is theirs and they will say no so you secretly slip the next card after the card you showed them on the table which is their card
11. then you say the next two cards aren't yours right, and they will say right
12. finally you have the 4 cards spread out on the table and you turn up the card that you secretly siped down and show them it, the card has changed right before their eyes, and they will be stunned.
13. the card that you showed them was theirs!!!!
This is an easy trick that can be learned easily.Shuffle the cards and tell the person to hold the deck facing you. Tell the person to give you whatever the first card is from the back. For example, if there is a 2 of hearts you say "2 of hearts from the back" and tell the person to give you the last card and not to look at it.Place it down and tell the person to remember the card u said but dont show it to them.Look at the card and whatever it is tell them to give it to you from the middle. For example, if the card at the back was a 4 of spades you say "4 of spades from the middle" and tell the person to give you any card from the middle. Look at the card and tell them to remember the card but dont show it. Look at the card and whatever it is tell them to give it to you from the front. For example, if the card at the middle was an ace of spades you say "ace of spades from the front" and tell the person to give you the first card. Look at the card and tell them to remember the card but done show it. Now there should be three cards face down on the surface. You should point out the cards as you had said in the begining then blow the cards ( just something to make you look magical or something). Turn the cards over and there they are! The same cards in different order. Keeps em thinking!
This is one of the best known card tricks for everybody. take a deck of cards make sure there is !52! cards the deck. you tell an audience that you will pull out 3 cards that she is thinking of. tell her to tell the person behind her what the tree are. while it looks like your looking for the cards, the person behind ( the one she told it to ) will make sign language so you can find the card make sure you dont look directly at the person or it will be given away
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