Quiz : Are You Taylor Hanson
1 = How would You Describe Your Wardrobe
A = Oh I like to present myself well so I make sure all my Clothes are
recent and presentable
B = Just any old thing that my Mother buys me from The Tailors (Taylor, Oh
Never Mind)
C = Oh only The Boutiques on Rodeo Drive get locked inside my Wardrobe, I
especially love wearing Versace , and even let Jennifer Lopez borrow some of
my stuff
2 = Do You Have Long Hair
A = No
B = I would never be seen dead in long hair
C = Yes, I feel it adds to my looks
3 = Are you The Singer with a Band called Hanson
A = No
B = Ohhhh Please , I have my Standards
C = Yeah , but don't make a big deal of it, my friends give me a hard time
because of this
4 = How did you Get to be So Famous So Quick
A = Through sheer hard work as well as my Awesome Talent
B = Well I admit I got some lucky Breaks in the Beginning but I think that
my Ability played a Big Part
C = Well see Daddy gave the Record Execs lots of Money to get me started ,
and My Marketing people did a really good job too convincing people to buy
my Records
5 = What would you say is The Average age of Most Of Your Fans
A = Oh they'd be in their Mid 20's and over, They feel a Real connection
with what I have to Write and understand
B = I'd say they'd at least be in Their Teens , some of them would be going
through a Rough Time Growing Up and me and My Brothers Music helps them
through it.
C = Age's 8 to 12 , these are the only people stupid enough to Buy My
Records and make me Rich, any older than this and they have moved onto Aaron
6 = Your Band haven't Released an Album for Over 2 Years. Why is this ?
A = Well in order to Grow as a Band I feel that we have to have our own
space in order to gain inspiration for our Material.
B = It Takes a long time for us to make a really good album, I know fans
have been frustrated but it will be worth the wait.
C = The general Public can only take so much of us , that and the fact That
The Session Musicians who really play The Instruments are only available at
Certian Times.
7 = Why were You Seen Riding a Beach Buggy on The If Only Video
A = Well cause Buggys are really cool along with Skateboards.
B = The Director thought it would be a good idea to see driving it around
the Desert and thought it would look good on MTV.
C = The Director thought it best for people watching the video not to notice
how bad the song really is and so Put The Beach Buggy in to make them pay
attention to it.
8 = Do people ever confuse you with your sister
A = No
B = Come on give me a Break, are you trying to Insult Me ?
C = Yeah people confuse me and Zac all the Time.
9 = What's it like not too be that Cute little Boy from The MMMBop Video
A = It doesn't bother me at all, we all have to grow up at some stage
B = I've Found going through Puberty tough, but then again so do all boys my
C = I tried to stay as young as possible for so long but now I can't . My
Career is over now that my Squeaky Voice is gone.
10 = Where do you see yourself in 5 Years Time
A = Going from Strength to Strength with Hanson, after we Won a couple of
Grammys with this new album people finally accepted what a Real Band we were
and left us alone.
B = We'll probably have some tough times now and again but our Fans will
pull us through
C = Welcome to McDonalds, Can I Take your Order
A = NO
B = NO
C = Congratulations Your Taylor Hanson you Talentless Piece of Crap
Quiz : Are You An Overated Pop Band
1 = Who is the most inportant person in The Band
A =Taylor cause his songs are our inspiration
B = Ike cause he arranges everything that we want to play
C = Our Producer
2 = You decided to Cut your Hair, Why ?
A = Cause you want to show the world how grown up and manly you are
B = Cause you just heard of this brand new invention called The Scissors.
C = All that money spend on highlights and hairdressers fees cost a fortune
and if you keep on going in a years time you'll be broke.
3 = You want to make an impression on People with your New video so what do
you do.
A = Shoot it in Black and White cause your so sick of the same old MTV
Videos with the same Camera angles and the same Girls holding up Hanson
B = Don't release a Video at all cause you feel the single is strong enough
to sell on it's own.
C = Hire a few Dirt Bikes and Buggys and go into The Desert and if you get
the chance you just might make a Video if you get the chance.
4 = Do you Plan going on Tour in the Near Future
A = Yeah, We can have all the money in the World but Nothing beats going out
into a Packed Stadium and playing Hit Songs
B = There are a lot of Places around the World that We've never Been to so
it will give us an excuse to visit them.
C = Well no one outside America knows who we are so a World Tour is out
ofThe Question but our Manager is trying to for us to be a Support Act for
the American leg of Tiffany's Comeback Tour.
5 = What will be the Main Selling point of your Album
A = The Songs
B = The Lyrics
C = The photo shoot we did back in October where there is a Full Frontal
Shot of Taylor lying on The Beach.
6 = Does it bother you that people give your Fans a Hard time.
A = Yeah I'm sure they wouldn't be too happy if our fans started insulting
who they liked.
B = Although it bothers us if we were to think like that then we'd never
record, so if you don't like our stuff thats fine just don't be resentful of
C = Let's face it if you go out in public with Hanson shirts, Hanson binders
and Hanson CD's your just asking for trouble. Your a walking Target who is
to be shunned , laughed at , Teased and ignored at all costs.
7 = Do People make jokes at your Expense
A = If they do thats the first I've heard of it.
B = Now and Again but no more than your Average Boy Band
C = There is an entire Industry making money at our bands Expense. You can't
turn on the Radio, pick up a Newpaper or go to a Website without people
having a Go at us. We've just had about enough of these people and are on
the verge of changing our Names.
8 = What honours have you received
A = Were on the front cover of Rolling Stone a few Times
B = Were asked to go to the White house and play for The President
C = Honours, what are they ?
9 = Did you get invited to The Grammys this year
A = Well since we didn't release any material in the Past year we didn't
feel the need to go.
B = Yeah we get invited every year cause we're the Band to be seen with
C = We've always found it kinda strange how The industry people tell us that
there are no more tickets left for the Event.
10 = Who would you most like to Work with
A = Santana, he seems to be the flavour of the month.
B = No one
C = We've already signed up to do a song on Barneys Christmas Album
A = No
B = No
C = Your a 100 % overated overpaid Pop Band.
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