Sometimes in my dreams
I see you and me
the only thing is
these dreams will never be
Everyone says "Never give up"
to always believe in those dreams
but everytime I try to follow
they drift farther, it seems
Many people are lucky enough
to realize their very own dreams
and few think back to the unlucky ones
and tell them to believe
for they too have been there
where many still are
but when you think about it
dreams aren't all that far
They are all in our heads
and for some they will always stay
Good things come to those who wait
is what I always say.
Going to a concert is great
But not like this one that just visited my state
It had screaming girls and bright,bright lights
And three sweet young voices echoing through the night
With songs like MMMBop and Where's the Love
Their like three little angels from up above
Zachary is my fave
And to him I gave
My love and my heart
And I hope some day we won't be apart
Even though we are only thirteen years old
I'm sure our love would never fold
So that concert was the best night of my life
And to Hanson I thank, for that great, great night
Zac, he so crazy but sweet,
Zac so sweet
I wish some day that you and I could meet.
His puppy brown eyes and soft blond hair,
No one in this world could ever compare.
His charming good looks and his stunning smile,
Zac for you I'd walk a thousand miles.
From his yellow walkie talkie to his megaphone,
Without him I feel all alone.
His yellow Doc. Martins and wacky braids,
With him by my side I never feel afraid.
One day Zac, just wait and see,
We'll be toghter forever just you and me.
Taylor So Sweet
(for Ike)
You're one of those loves that just never seems to fade,
A constant feeling, an angelic escapade.
You appear to me in my dreams, you catch me off guard,
When I look into your eyes, I see beauty, a galaxy of stars.
Your carressing touch lingers upon my skin,
It leaves an imprint on my soul, a kiss within.
You've become my best friend since our words connected,
Your love and tenderness has me infected.
Even though we are apart, I can still feel your heart beat,
I can still sense your presence, and remember the day you made
my life
To you I owe my devoted heart,
My life with you I can't wait to start.
I'll think of you always 'til we meet again,
The memory of you lives within me until then.
My Shining Star
As i look out to the sky afar
Zac you are my shining star
A single touch
A single kiss
To be with you my one true wish
If someone ever took you away
I couldn't live another day
You are my soal, my heart, my air
Dearest Zac, i'll always be there.
My love for you is ever so strong
I know for sure my heart is not wrong
zac, you are the sweetest guy
You're the shining star in my sky.
Zac is hot,
Marilyn Manson is not,
So, those who dare to compare,
You need to be under psychiatric care,
Zac is talented, can sing real good,
Any better than I ever could.
Hanson is great,
It was their fate,
They have such talent,
It's so good it makes me silent,
They're looks don't hurt, not at all,
Oh, how I wish they'd call.
What is a Hanson?
What is a Hanson?
Some people might ask.
To answer that question,
Is no easy task.
With each member so different,
Yet some qualities the same.
I'll describe these three brothers,
From name to name to name.
I'll start first with Isaac,
Oldest of the three.
His chivalry and respect,
Mean the most to me.
His honesty and humor,
Are also noble traits.
In my opinion,
Ike would be an ideal mate.
Next comes Taylor,
With his charisma and charm.
Add those baby blue eyes,
And he can do no harm.
Maturity, wisdom and talent,
Make him one of a kind.
A great guy like Taylor,
Is often hard to find.
Last but not least,
Is the youngest of the three.
His name is Zac,
And he's zany as can be.
Outgoing and perky
Describe him the best.
But it's that certain craziness,
That sets him apart from the rest.
All of these things,
Make up three beautiful guys,
And why they're so praised
Is no big surprise.
So what is a Hanson?
It's someone who's loved,
Talented, respected, admired,
And sent from above.
Beautiful You
Alone in my castle,
Where I'm thinking of you.
I can't help but wonder,
Do you think of me too?
The gold shining in your hair,
Your eyes like frozen seas.
I become speechless when I dream
Of your arms surrounding me.
Two tears stream down my face,
At mere thoughts of your sweet kiss.
Soft and gentle, like an angel,
Perfect and miraculous.
But soon night becomes the day,
And the sun begins to shine.
I am awakened from my trance
For yet another time.
And though these dreams I carry,
May sadly not come true,
I'll hold forever in my heart,
The beauty that is you.
Everyday Angels
When people think of an angel,
They might picture a lady in white.
Performing miracles on earth,
But remaining out of sight.
They may see wings and a halo,
A constant smile on her face.
Changing lives then flying off,
Without leaving a trace.
But there are other angels,
Those that walk and live.
They too touch many lives,
With what they have to give.
They give hope and inspiration,
Happiness and bliss.
Often without even knowing
That they impact our lives like this.
It's those everyday angels,
That mean the most to me.
For they inspire me to be an angel,
To all of humanity.
Will You Come to Me?
When I have no light to guide me,
Will you be the sun?
When I can only crawl,
Will you teach me how to run?
When I feel alone in a faceless crowd,
Is it you I'll see?
When I'm feeling trapped,
Will you set me free?
When I can't keep from drowning,
Will you reach out for my hand?
When I feel lost at sea,
Will you lead me to dry land?
When I'm up in the air,
Will you pull me back down?
When I get old and lose my hair,
Will you still be around?
When I'm all choked up,
Will you help me to breathe?
When I'm talking to Mars,
Will you believe?
When I can only cry,
WIll you shed two tears?
When I feel lonely,
Will you always be near?
When I go through pain and strife,
Will you forever be a friend?
When I say I love you,
Will you love me till the end?
I try to describe the feelin in my heart for you.
will i ever see you?
will my lips ever touch yours?
I love you so much.
and nothing can describe how much that is.
I just have one question
I look at you and think... how could have god made someone so perfect?
It just about kills me that i can't reach out and touch that face
So perfect
I love you no one understands how much i love you
DO YoU????????
Taylor's So Hot
Taylor Hanson is so hot.
I Love the way he MMMBops.
I really love his long blonde hair.
No other guy could compare.
I love his voice it stills mine.
Oh my god he's so fine.
I hope to meet him some day.
I now I will, I Love You Tay.
Zac Is Sweet
Zac is smart.Zac is sweet.
Zac has swept me off my feet.
Zac sings Lucy & Man From Millwaukee.
If he told me to I'd yell in a Yellow-Walkie Talkie.
Zac plays Mini Macaranas & drums
He also plays piano like the Taylor one does.
Zac has brown puppy dog eyes.
And Blonde hair that straight up & down,No lies.
Zac if only you knew.
How much I care about you.
On the ceiling
High above
Are hung some stars
A gift to love
They glow in darkness
And are colorful in light
All the glances to them
Are happy and bright.
Looking at those stars
All plastic and fake
Something in me says make a wish
So a deep breath I take
I close my eyes
And Open my heart
And wish for Taylor
To bridge the gap apart
I wish him to come
Arms open so wide
A shelter for me
When it's cold outside
He then slips his arms to my waist
And slowly to music we dance
We smile and laugh
All lost in a trance
The stars light fades
The music turns fast
the dream flees my mind
but the wish will forever last.
When I look into Taylor's deep baby blues
I know he's a guy I can't refuse
The way he play's the way he sings
I just LOVE the way he does those things
His BIG sexy smile always brightens my day
and leaves me speechless in his own little way
Even though were so far apart,
TAYLOR will always be the one in my heart .
I like one more than the others, though I know I shouldn't...
...but in a way I like you all the same.
Zac,I love you because you're funny and weird...like me.
Tay, I love you because you are calm, sensitive, and caring...like me.
Ike, I love you because you are also funny,and you have a good sense of humor...like me.
I am a combination of all three of you.
That is why it's so hard for me to choose.
All of you
I can see all of you.
But I can see what most people don't.
I can see past all your charms,
your good looks,
your body,
your figure,
your hair,
your voice,
and your face
past it all to your heart. Most people can't see past your hair, but I can.
I can see all of you
All the way through your charms,
your good looks,
your body,
your figure,
your hair,
your voice,
and your face...
to your heart. Your heart...which is the best part of you.
I sit here and wonder how it would be if you were here.
Spreading love and joyous cheer.
I often imagine you were sitting next to me.
But I know it isn't going to be.
I think of how you'd act, what you'd say, and how you'd say it.
Anything you'd do, I would like, I'm sure.
For this love-sickness there comes no cure.
Even if you WERE here with me today.
I would still wonder what it'd be like if you'd stay for more than just one day.
It doesn't take a genius to see
Everything you could offer me.
It doesn't take an I.Q. of 100 to find
You're the only thing on my mind
I may not be a genius, but I see
Everything you do for me.
To You I Bestow
For you I long
So very strong.
For you I live
So much to give.
For you I'd die
And always cry.
For you I glow
To you, I bestow.
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