Hey hey, gather round cause hanson suck
But you don't kneed to know this.
The exact date of creation of hanson isn't retraceble anymore. The reason for this is that hanson suck is not a requested band on the radio, someone 'just created them. This band also comes without Description or Charter, thus there is no information which could shed more light on this subject.
However, all was not lost in my Quest for the mystery of why anyone likes them. The biggest clue is of course are it's name. Right now, the best candidate I can come up with who would be the creator, maybe Dom Sheldon. had the hansonfan been clever but most probably got his ass kicked because "much of the information of what he proports to say is either inaccurate or downright false" ( My guess is DS wanted to use the band as a fantasy for himself, cause he hadn't got a life of his own
I propose, "Loser Weepers" and declare this band a complete bunch of losers.
Since the precise date of creation is lost, I propose we use the date: o o o, as the date of creation. On 0 0 0, the oldest member of the group was born, Isaac, somewhere in america.
Take note, it was the American who was the only one in the earliest days: of the three members of the group, two of them look like girls, thus Taylor and Zac ("Hansons song MMMBop makes me want to puke").
Things were calm here for a while, we never had to put up with them trying to sing , or listen to their awful music. Sadly they started to grow when on some date or other, their dad finally got enough money to buy hanson a record deal:
"oh what a bad day that was
As far as I know the following Hanson facts exists:
1. they sing like girls
2. they look like girls
3. actually they are girls
4. they can't sing
5. they keep saying things like "where are those guys that play our instruments"
I'm not sure about hanson at all, since most people find them a little weird"
These are the most important elements of the Mystery of
hanson. I take it that all is cleared up now.
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