Everything you need to know to complete each of the grueling and difficult levels of Tomb Raider II are included here. Secrets, stashes, and hidden items are only mentioned if they are required to finish a level. Keep your eyes open ? as i'm only telling you about the really vicious or sneaky enemies. Finally don't be afraid to look around beyond what is covered in this fast track guide. Tomb Raider II is just chock-full of interesting little nooks and crannies! For tips on how to maneuver Lara's shapely bod and an in-depth walkthrough (including all secrets!), check out Prima's Official Strategy Guide for Tomb Raider II.
The Great Wall
Keep moving straight forward as the copter leaves. Hang a right and wade into the small pool as a tiger sneaks up from behind. Round the rock on the left. Grab the top of the tall rock and pull up to the path. Cap the kitty.
Follow the upper pathway. Pull up and reverse direction, then run, jump, and grab the ledge behind to continue. There's a small gap where Lara can jump to another short section of trail as a second tiger appears below. Collect the Stone Dragon from the ledge and double back to continue climbing the rocks.
Climb as far as you can up the rocks on Lara's right before running and jumping to the ledge below the high opening. Jump and grab the ledge below the opening and enter the dark chamber. Drop through the trapdoor to the pool below. Climb out of the pool, and run, jump, and grab the ledge with the switch.
The switch opens the door to a broad section on top of the wall. Get those guns out and dispose of the three crows. Once the birds have fallen, check the broken portion of the wall. Slide into the pool below the wall and check the underwater cave. Collect the Guardhouse Key.
Climb ashore on the small greenish rock, and be ready to dispose of another tiger. You can jump back into the pool for safety. Climb the small pile of greenish rock near the wall and jump up to the tallest portion. Jump and grab the wall above. Insert the Guardhouse Key into the lock and get those guns out.
Put a dent in the local spider population, then climb the ladder when Lara runs out of targets. Up the ladder, and gather the Rusty Key. Apply it to the lock below.
Follow the tunnel. Roll and charge back down the tunnel to dispose of the sneaky spiders. Pull the block. Slide down the slope.
Below the slope is a water-filled room. Look to the left to spy a crack in the wall. Wade over and jump to the crack, then shimmy right to avoid the razor disks. Drop down into the far corner of the pool. Surface in the corner of the pool near the passageway and pull up from there to avoid the disks.
In the hallway, run forward across the collapsible flooring and hang a right in the hall. Hug the left-hand side of the tunnel as large boulders roll down from behind you. Jump to the slope, then let Lara slide and fall to the tunnel below. Immediately upon landing in the tunnel below the slope, jump once to the left. A left jump should land Lara on a pile of bones. From the skeleton, run forward and jump to grab the ledge above. Pull up into the passage as the spikes close in.
Hug the right-hand side. Turn and slide backward down the slope. Grab the ledge at the bottom of the short slope and drop straight down. Immediately jump to the right. Jumping to the right in the area below lets Lara fall through a collapsible section of floor before another wall of spikes closes in.
Run from the left-hand side of the chamber, past the rolling blades. Hang a right in the new area, and look around that corner for a pair of spiders. More spiders drop from the ceiling when you investigate near the rope slider. Before you grab the rope slider, note the crack in the wall down below. Drop down to the green rock in the corner, then jump and grab the crack. Shimmy to the right.
Pull up into the cave, and follow the passage past a pack of Flares. Pop a Flare, then climb the short section of ladder over to the longer ladder. Climb down the long ladder to the dark tunnel below. When you investigate the valley floor, a T-Rex comes out to play. Retreat to the tunnel to chip away at the monster. At the far, dark end of the valley floor waits the Gold Dragon. Another T-Rex appears behind you when you claim the prize.
Kill the second dinosaur from the area of the Gold Dragon and backtrack to the long ladder. Climb all the way up the long section of ladder and return to the ledge with the rope slider. Grab the slider contraption and span the distance. Watch for tigers on the ledge as you approach and drop off ready for action. Follow the short tunnel to a campsite. When you go near the large red portal, the level ends.
Whip out those Pistols, and get the attention of the Doberman up ahead. Turn to the right at the end of the alley, and jump left into the courtyard. Check the narrow exit route.
On the small dock is an open structure. Across the water is the boathouse. Swim beneath the boathouse door, and climb up onto the walkway. Push the button to open a door elsewhere. In the small dock structure, collect the Flares from the table and press the button to open the trapdoor. Climb the ladder. Backflip from the top of the ladder, and press the button. The trapdoor in the floor closes, and another opens above.
On the roof, shoot open the window, and enter the hallway. Get out the Shotgun, and head to the left in the short hall. Shoot the pooch, and check the room. Double back down the hallway before you explore this area at length. In the short hallway, check the broken window on the other side of the hall. Jump over to the top of the awning. Jump from the top of the awning to the sniper's veranda. Search his fallen form for the Boathouse Key.
Retrace your jumps back across the veranda, and check the room where you shot the pooch moments ago. Throw the switch at the end of the arched hallway, and a door opens high above the canal outside. Shoot open the window in the pooch room, and run and jump to the awning across the canal. Jump from awning to awning to reach the distant open door. Throw the switch in the short hall, and drop down into the canal.
Swim back under the boathouse door, and insert the Boathouse Key into the lock. Exit the boathouse in style, and enter the dark tunnel. Follow the dark canal, which turns right and ends at a low waterfall. Stop in the chamber below the falls, and jump overboard. The Gold Dragon sits on the floor of the large chamber below the falls. Clamber back into the boat and follow the passage. Look left in the area with the pillars, and spy a small landing.
Pull past the small landing into the chamber with the switch on the wall. Hop out of the boat, and return to the small landing. Blast the rat on the small landing, and blow open the window. When you venture into the dark room, a thug comes out to play. Inside the room are Shotgun shells and a switch to throw. Exit the small room, and climb the ladder on the wall. Pull the underwater lever, and the double doors to the boat chamber open. Get back into your boat.
Follow the canal around to the left, making a right to discover several lovely boats near a small dock. Disembark. Climb the dock box and jump over to the awning across the canal. Jump from the awning to the upper walkway, then backflip to return to the awning as enemies arrive. Blast 'em. On the far side of the walkway, a sniper patrols near a second speedboat. Take him out.
Follow the upper walkway, ready for armed resistance. Take the Steel Key, and open the nearby door. In the small room, drop down to the area below and throw the switch. A gate is raised at one end of a narrow canal. Back upstairs, blast the bad guy, then return to your speedboat. Smash through the line of gondolas and lean on the accelerator, veering slightly to the right.
As the speedboat passes the second watercraft and enters the broad, dead-end canal, leap overboard. The dead-end canal is heavily mined. The speedboat is destroyed, but the passage is cleared. Fleece the sniper near the Iron Key Door, and take the second speedboat. Motor back past the chamber where you first entered the large outdoor series of canals. There's big trouble around the corner to the left.
Expect to come under fire as you climb from the boat to the landing. Cap the criminal and gather his stash before returning to the speedboat. Follow the canal straight past the criminal's long landing, and you'll reach a dead end near a closed door.
Go through the door and throw the switch. Return to the speedboat. Pilot the craft down the narrow canal across from the small dock. Bear left when the canal widens once more, and continue on. On the right-hand side of the canal, you'll discover two small landings, one of which has an open door. Take the Iron Key from the shallow pool, and climb the ladder, ready for trouble.
Up the ladder, take out the thug and his canine cohort. Throw the switch. Backflip from the upper ledge, and let loose a grenade on the bad guy below. Backtrack to the Iron Key Door, where you acquired the second speedboat. Open the door and cap the criminal. Throw the switch inside.
Get back in the boat, and check the canals past the hanging laundry. Follow the waterways until you spy some openings ahead on the right. Pull up short. Bail overboard and swim into the dark chamber. Stick close to the wall on the right. In the dark chamber, Lara can stand near the right-hand wall and draw her guns. Use them liberally.
Return to the speedboat, and back it into position facing the long ramp, flush with the wall, as shown. In the dark chamber is a small button on the wall that opens the exit doors. Leap in the boat and gun the engine, shooting up the long ramp as a distant bell begins tolling. Crash through the bedroom where you found the Jade Dragon, and get some serious air.
Zig left, then quickly to the right, into the narrow canal. Hang a right out of the narrow canal, and gun the engine toward the exit.
Bartoli's Hideout
Disembark at the dock and kill the vermin near the double doors. Head to the left. There are more rats on the stairs, and a larger variety around the corner to the right. Blast the thug in the narrow hallway, then cap a few more rats and hit the switch. The switch opens the double doors. Inside, look to the right and blast the enemies high and low.
Stick to the right-hand side of the hallway and avoid the bladed statues. The switch beyond the statues opens a doorway off of the canal outside. Backflip to the slope below, then jump and grab the upper ledge. Pull the box that blocks the walkway above, then return to the floor. Grab the ledge where the box sat and pull up. Climb the exposed wall to the opening on the right.
Run and jump to the top of the nearby awning. Lara will slide, so grab the edge before you fall. Shimmy left to the far end of the awning. Stand and immediately jump from that end of the awning; Lara will backflip to another veranda above the canal. Run, jump, and grab the small wooden ledge, then run and jump to the awning further down the canal.
From the edge of the awning, stand and jump toward the open portal. Head up the stairs to the left. Just inside the room, on the left, there's a switch barely visible because of the wallpaper. Throw it and blow open the window. You may have to go out onto the walk to take care of business. Shoot out the distant window and be ready for action inside that room.
Push in the block in the fireplace, then climb into the passage. Follow the passage. Stand in the right-hand side of the opening above the slope and take one step backward. Jump forward and to the right to hit the water below. Climb out of the water and onto the platform below the slope. Check the trap.
The triple burners will extinguish when you step onto the wood panel. Step just far enough onto the wood to shut off the flames. Run and jump forward over the first burner, then stop and do two standing forward jumps to make it past the trap. Don't hesitate. Angling slightly to the left, step toward the door. Welcome to the ballroom. The idea is to climb the chandeliers to reach the room's upper ledges.
Climb the low block, and jump and grab the lowest chandelier. Run, jump, and grab to the next light fixture. From the second chandelier, look to the right. Run and jump over, and throw that switch. The switch opens a portrait on the wall below, revealing a chamber with the Library Key. You must reposition the chandeliers to reach the prize.
Return to the chandeliers and continue to the ledge above the last fixture in line. Round the pillar to the right. Jump and grab the beam and shimmy to the right. Pull up when the arc of the roof allows. Run and jump to the ledge on the far side of the beam. On the new ledge, approach the brick wall and be ready for the thug who climbs over.
From the top of the brick wall, jump forward to the nearby beam. The switch there reconfigures the chandeliers. With the positions of the chandeliers reversed, the Library Key is accessible. Drop down to the highest chandelier. Jump forward from the edge of each chandelier to the next lowest fixture. From the lowest chandelier, run, jump, and grab the edge of the small chamber behind the portrait.
Return to the central chandelier and jump to the ledge near the door through which you entered the ballroom. Throw the switch, then shoot out the windows and check the ledge outside. Hang and drop into the deep hole. The switch you threw moments ago opened the trapdoor below. Pull the lever in the small pool. That's the Library Door nearby. Apply the Library Key to the lock.
To the right is a switch on the wall, but leave it alone for now. Check the open portal straight ahead. In the open room, climb the bookshelves to the ledges above. Jump over and throw the switch. The switch opens another door back in the foyer. Drop back to the floor. Check the opened door. Climb the shelves on the left just inside the door.
Run and jump from the top of the first shelf to the ledge across the room. Climb the shelves there to the upper window. Blow open the window, then slide backward down the small landing to grab its edge. Hanging from the end of the small awning, drop and then jump immediately. Lara backflips and lands on a small ledge. Run and jump from there to the awning across the small courtyard.
Jump to the top of the brick wall. Notice the small raised section at the far end. Run, jump, and grab from the raised end of the brick wall and Lara can just reach the edge of the rooftop across the canal. Cross the rooftop to the small, irregular opening. Stand back from the wall, then jump forward to grab the ledge. Pull up. Inside the small structure, relieve the guard and take the Detonator Key from the tabletop.
You can run and jump from the low area of the dock outside the hut to land standing in the exit. The door opens, and a criminal opens fire from close range. Blow open the courtyard windows and return to the Library foyer. Throw the switch, which opens the nearby door. Enter it. The door to the small courtyard opens upon Lara's approach. Hop in the water and swim to the left.
Climb to the brick walkway. There you will find the Detonator box. Use the Detonator Key at the small box to demolish the structure nearby. Follow the top of the brick wall to the ruined building and jump inside. Climb up through the building's shell to the hole in the ceiling to reach the roof. Jump back across the hole in the roof and follow the passage to make your exit.
Opera House
On the platform near the swinging box, stand like this and whip out that Grenade Launcher. Jump backward. You should hit the slope across the canal and slide in the direction of the criminal down below. At one end of the short section of the canal is a ladder for Lara to climb.
From the landing at the top of the first section of ladder, jump and grab the ledge above. Pull up and throw the switch. Continue to the top of the ladders, then run and jump back across the canal to the white ledge. Run, jump, and grab your way back to the platform near the swinging box. Run and jump across the canal through the opening in the roof. You hit the floor near the Ornate Key.
Upstairs from where you acquire the Ornate Key, backtrack up the ladder and across the ledges to the platform with the swinging box. Stand near the entrance to the level and jump to the sloped roof. Catch the edge and shimmy left. Drop to the flat spot. Jump from the flat spot to the sloped roof above the window and catch the ledge. Drop and grab the window ledge, then pull up.
Blow open the window and walk off the ledge and to the left. Climb the ladder and use the Ornate Key on the lock. Follow the passage and climb a second short ladder. Stand back from the edge of the ledge facing the collapsible roof sections, like this, then jump forward and start running. You'll have to jump one gap, then jump again and grab the edge of the distant ledge. Follow the passageway. Jump to the dome at the closest corner and cross its top to get the drop on more foes. Check all the bodies and the box.
Stand at the corner so that you can run, jump, and grab the ledge to the left of the swinging box. Behind and below the box is a button. Push it and the nearby flat section of the dome opens. Drop through the open trapdoor. In the small room below are a pair of switches. Throw the switch on the left.
Climb down the ladder to the hallway below. Go to the bottom of the slope and loop back before pushing the button. Climb onto the gate and through the opening on the left. Drop down to the floor. There's an onrushing goon and a dangerous overhead sandbag. In the opposite direction from the previous goon's hallway, approach the doors. Reverse direction down the goon's hallway. There you'll find an inoperative elevator and more friends.
Backtrack to the Opera House proper. Utilize the ledges on the far side of the room to descend to the floor. Watch for rolling boulders as you cross the floor. Head for center stage and deplete the actor's guild en route. Climb the underwater box to reach the stage. Look left as you climb onstage and drop the Doberman. Now turn around and snuff the punk shooting you in the back.
Check the Doberman's room. Throw the switch. Check the opposite side of the stage. From the floor of the room, go over and coax down the sandbag above the crack. Jump and grab from the edge of the stage to the platform. Walk through the glass, then run and jump to grab the low end of the crack. Shimmy left.
Throw the switch in the upper nook to lower the plank. Run and jump back to the platform just shy of the glass.
Past the plank, run and jump to grab the ledge in the wall, then climb to the nook above that. Run and jump from there to the upper walkway. Walk forward, carefully, near the swinging bag. Standing off to one side, Lara can jump past the bag as it swings away. Jump off to the flat spot on the right. Throw the switch on the wall to release a sandbag above the stage.
In the corridor beyond the switch, turn and slide backward down the slope and grab the edge. Hanging from the slope beyond the switch, stand and immediately jump. Lara should backflip to a pool below the stage. Circle left and look for a low opening. Through the low opening is a small, dark chamber.
Wade to the low ledge. Throw the switch before backtracking toward the trapdoor area. Besides the hallway off of the trapdoor area, there's a low, underwater passageway. Swim down and up to another chamber. Take the Relay Box and climb the tall ladder. Backtrack across the upper walkway of the Opera House, down the goon's hallway. Insert the Relay Box into the wall panel near the switch. Throw the switch, but don't get inside the elevator.
If you let the elevator go down without Lara inside, you'll spy a ladder on the wall. Jump from the ledge to grab the ladder, then climb up. In the first alcove on the left is a switch that opens the exit door in the second alcove. Recall the elevator and throw the switch again to head downstairs.
Throw the switch to send the elevator back upstairs. When the elevator rises, you'll see that there's a pool below. Jump in. Follow the underwater stairway around to the left and swim up to a waste-deep chamber. In the water is the Circuit Board. Take it and backtrack down the underwater stairs. Circle around to the left of the underwater cage and pull the lever to open the nearby grating. Climb the rat-infested ledges, then jump to the hallway.
Follow the hallway and blow out the windows to the white room. Throw the switch to open the door. Slide down the slope, then jump and grab from the bottom to catch the ledge. Pull up and take the Ornate Key. Climb the ledges, then jump forward to the slope. Jump and grab from there to catch the edge of a rat-infested hallway. From the edge, jump forward across the gap in the corridor.
To reach the higher hallways above the spinning fans, stand with Lara's back to a fan, her toes on the edge of the ledge, and backflip. In the small room, pull the box and push the button. Pull the box over in front of the door, then push it outside. Stand on the box and shoot the window. In the small area is another movable box. Push it out so that it stacks atop the first one. From the lower window ledge, jump at an angle and grab the edge of the upper box.
Atop the box, blast the newly arrived bad guy and backtrack down the hall. Climb the ledges back to the second-highest tier in the Opera House. Apply the Ornate Key to the lock. Jump to the hallway and press the button. Climb back to the switch room above and insert the Circuit Board in the wall fixture. Throw the right-hand switch.
Now head back to the stage. The switch has reconfigured the backdrop, opening a passage and releasing more waiters. Backstage, pull out the box and throw the switch beyond. Wary of sandbags, climb the boxes to the ledge above the stage.
Jump over to the platform near the ledge and descend down to the floor via the ledges on the left. Blast the bothersome thug and climb the ledges back up. Throw the switch on the wall and stand at an angle toward the swinging bag. Jump off to the slope so that Lara slides onto the flat ledge just shy of the bag. Rush past the swinging bag and drop down to the floor.
There are more criminals hiding in the boxes, and they're heavily armed. Climb the boxes, wary of the bags, and head back to the right of the entrance. The button above the boxes opens the level exit at the far end of the room.
Offshore Rig
By moving the box closest to the cell door back against the wall, you can pull out another box and push it in the same direction. Throw the switch in the hall and run for the door. Hang a left along the dock. Charge through the door and up the ramp, leaping the descending barrels. Drop off the high end of the ramp and hang a right up the stairs. Stand near the windows.
On a low ledge outside the broken window is a button on the wall. Push it and jump in the water. Swim up into the chamber beneath the plane and push the button there. Swim back to the dock near the cell, run, jump, and grab the plane's engine. From on top of the plane, drop through the trapdoor and reclaim the Pistols.
Watch your health and take care of the pair of guards. You'll find locked doors in the control room. The deceased relinquish a Large Medi Pack and the Yellow Pass Card. Apply the Yellow Pass Card to the lock across the hall from the doors. Enter the doors that you opened with the Yellow Pass Card, and hang a right at the alarm button.
Spin the wheel to open the door and hop backward into the room. Spin the wheel on the nearby portal, and stand back to chip away at the onrushing rig worker. Check the adjacent passage and chambers for a variety of weapons. In the bunk room push a button on an upper bunk near the entrance. Leave the bunk and climb to the last high bunk on the right.
Jump and grab the edge of the hallway from the upper bunk before time runs out. Follow the hallway and slide backward down the slope to grab the edge of the ledge. Climb down to the floor. To cross the burners and reach the ladder, you need to use the two movable boxes nearby. Pull out the box on the left and move it across the room. Pull out the right-hand box and get behind it to push it over near the burners.
Run and jump from the top of the repositioned box and grab the ladder. Climb up to the hallway. Kill the guard in the upper hallway, and take the Red Pass Card. Backtrack to the alarm button. This time take the stairway to the left. Be ready to dodge the barrels that roll down the broad ramp. At the top of the broad ramp is the reader for the Red Pass Card. Step through the door, but roll and head back toward the ramp. If you reverse toward the ramp as the alarm sounds, you should be able to make quick work of the arriving rig workers. Then open the portal with the Red Pass Card.
Climb up onto the platform to the left of the entrance and push the box. Loop around to the other side of the box and pull it. Now loop around again and push it to the end of the path. Jump from the area near the pool to grab the top of the box, then jump from the top of the box to grab the edge of the upper passage.
Follow the passage downward. Throw the switch on the wall in the control room below. The switch on the wall fills the closest pool with water. Backtrack and swim across. Hang a right on the other side of the pool and jump across the pipe. Jump up the slope and throw the switch on the wall. The switch opens a trapdoor in the floor of the control room. Backtrack.
Slide down the long slope from the hole in the floor to the walkway below. Dive down into the water from the open end of the walkway, and climb up onto the column footing. Swim along the wall below the upper walk and circle around the large column to the corner of the room. Climb out. Head back to the other side of the large pool, away from the gunner above. There's a ladder on the wall.
You need to jump and grab the walkway, and pull up as the bad guy opens fire with the Shotgun. Take him down quickly. When the battle is won, claim the Shotgun and follow the path to the right past the dead guy. Jump from the end of the path to the nearby walkway. Take out every enemy you can from this vantage point. Jump over to the walkway near the wall. Notice the exit passage up above.
Run and jump over to the area of the distant gunner, jumping around the pillar with a left lean. Break the glass and grab the Green Pass Card. Double back to the walkway near the wall and follow the hallway up. Drop down into the lower passage ready for trouble, and continue down that passage to the control room.
Apply the Green Pass Card to the reader and throw the switch in the control room before exiting through the opened door. Throwing the switch in the control room sends the water back to the first pool. Jump in and follow the underwater tunnel. Pull the lever to the left of the gate and make your escape through the passage beyond.
Diving Area
Follow the passage to the ledge above the pool. Run, jump, and grab the ladder, and climb up to the hallway. Push the button to stop the huge underwater fan. Jump into the pool and swim beneath the large, immobile fan. Collect the Grenades and double back. Pull the underwater lever to open the exit door and climb out onto the walkway.
You need to cross the pillars below the cranes to reach the far side of the pool. Run and jump from the walkway to the pillar, and grab its edge. You can pull yourself up and stand safely in the corner. When the crane moves away, run, jump, and grab the edge of the distant pillar. Run and jump from the top of the second pillar to the walkway across the pool. Follow the walkway to the adjacent chamber.
Slide forward. Just jump, don't use forward action- from the bottom of the slope, and Lara reaches the walkway. Follow the passage, and climb the (very) tall ladder. Drop in the hole in the floor so that Lara slides backward. Slide down the slope and grab the edge before Lara slips off. Drop and grab the ledge below and pull up.
Dispose of the guard on the elevated walkway and look to the left at the intersection. Through an opening in the railing, you can run and jump to the slope far above the niche. Slide down and grab the edge of the slope. Drop down and grab the Blue Pass Card. Backtrack up the passage near the Blue Pass Card niche and slam on the brakes when you round the corner to the left. Run, jump, and grab the tall ladder.
Return to the elevated walkway and take the right-hand turn at the intersection. Apply the Blue Pass Card to the reader and head to the right in the passage beyond. Enter the perimeter hallway and head to the right. Check the two portals that you can open. Take the passage where the stairway leads downward.
Jump in the water and get a good breath before going inside. Follow the passage to its end and pull the lever. Reverse direction and swim through the gate that has opened. Follow the underwater tunnel and look for a lever to pull on the left. Pull it and continue onward. Follow the passage to a gate that opens as you approach. Hang a left in the passage and return to the pool.
The second underwater switch opened a door at the top of the stairs- through the second door off the perimeter hallway. Charge into the area where the helicopter is making a getaway. In the chamber adjacent to where the copter takes its leave, there's a burner hallway flanked by a switch and a button. The first time down the hall, you need to throw only the switch on the right.
Run down the hallway and let Lara fall through the trapdoor. Quickly search the bottom of the small area. In the small hole halfway down the burner hallway waits the M-16. Hustle back out of the hallway. Now throw the switch, then jump left and press the button. Charge down the hallway, leaping over the trapdoor pit. Take the Machine Chip and back out of the hallway.
Backtrack through the perimeter hallway to the pool room and push the box near the door. Insert the Machine Chip into the panel and the door opens. Run down the hallway and pass by the pool on Lara's left. Keep running into that corner of the room. From the corner of the pool, turn and dispose of the sneaky flamethrower near the entrance.
In that corner of the room, approach the control panel to the right of the orange tank and it opens. Push the button inside. Hop into the pool and follow the underwater tunnel to a large chamber. Surface in the area above the mini sub and climb to the ledge. On the upper ledge is a switch to throw. Return through the underwater tunnel and climb out of the pool. Head up the hallway. The control room near the pool is open.
Throw the switch inside and the plank suspended over the pool changes position. Jump and grab the edge of the plank above the pool, then run and jump from its top to the area near the Red Pass Card. You'll have to stop the saw to claim the card. Push the button in the hallway behind the nearby boxes. Backtrack through the perimeter hallway. Drop down and follow the passage.
Drop through the hole in the floor at the end of the passage. Take out the flamethrower to your right and the rig worker to your left. The rig worker coughs up a second Machine Chip upon his demise. Nearby is a door and beside it is the Red Pass Card reader. Head back to the Red Pass Card and the guardian buzz saw. Place the second Machine Chip into the panel near the saw and the blade desists. Claim the Red Pass Card and double back to the door with the reader.
Use the Red Pass Card to open the nearby door and drop into the hole. Follow the passage. Follow the long path through long corridors and watery passages. From the upper walkway, punish the heathens abusing the friendly monk. Go downstairs, checking on the monk's fallen form.
40 Fathoms
As the mini sub crashes to the ocean floor, turn around and look for scattered debris- boxes and such. Follow that trail. With the shark in pursuit, head for the corner of the area where the anchor broke a hole in the overturned ship. Swim down. Swim down through the hole below, hooking back to the right. In the second chamber, the opening is high and to the left. Keep moving. In the next chamber, the opening is at the end of the left-hand wall.
In the next large chamber, swim along the wall to the left and look for a low lever behind the last huge girder. Pull the lever, then reverse direction and swim through the trapdoor that opens in the floor behind you. Follow the passage and swim up through the hole in the ceiling. Swim down below the boxes on the right, and you'll find a short hallway. Throw the switch and the water empties from the room.
With the water drained, you can climb the boxes and reach the high ledge. Drop down to the area below, careful not to fall through the huge trapdoors, and dispose of the lurking goon. You can run and jump over the trapdoor to open it. Run, jump, and grab from the central boxes to the tall wood pillar near the wall. From the top of the wooden pillar near the wall, run, jump, and grab the edge of the passage nearby.
Just inside the passage, look to Lara's left and you'll spy a switch on the wall. It opens a door on a timer. Throw the switch and head down the hallway, leaping the low impediments to the far end of the passage. At the end of the passage, check the short, dark, central hallway. Jump and grab the ledge in the shadows, then throw the switch.
The switch in the high, dark chamber opens a portal off of the steel corridor, past a hallway with a row of burners. Check around this corner. In the opened chamber is another switch to throw. That switch shuts off the first two burners for a short time. Race back to the burner hallway and throw the switch that is now accessible.
The switch halfway down the burner hallway opens another portal. Inside is another switch. When you throw the switch in the second chamber, the two burners go out farther down the hall, but only for a short time. Race back through the steel corridors to the first chamber. Throw the switch in the first chamber once more and beat feet for the burner hall. Past the burners, which reignite, throw the switch on the wall to open the nearby door. Wade into the pool.
Swim through the opening above the small pool, then up through the tall chamber. Just as you enter the upper chamber, look for a lever low on the wall. Pull it and a door opens in the lowest chamber. Swim down to the lowest chamber and pull the lever at the end of the short passage. Swim back to the upper chamber and get a breath through the trapdoor that opened when you pulled the switch far below.
Follow the passage, then drop down into the dirt- and rock-filled hold. There's a hole in the floor leading to a lower large chamber. In the lowest large chamber, look for the wide ledge at one end of the area. Below the wide ledge is a box Lara can move to reach the opening. Throw the switch on the high ledge and the trapdoors above the lowest chamber open, depositing rock and dirt from above.
There are two openings above one wall in the lowest chamber. Stand and jump from the highest point to grab the floor above. In the left-hand chamber, head along the wall to the left, then climb up to the ledge. Throw the switch. The first switch opens a door in a chamber you have yet to visit. That chamber is accessible from a hallway off the lowest large area.
Drop down into the lowest chamber once more, and climb through the nearby opening- the right-hand one of the pair. To climb the pile of rocks in the second chamber, you have to begin to the right, then jump across the pile to a flat spot on the left. Jump from the flat spot to the rocks below the ledge and climb up. Throw the switch. That fills the unvisited chamber with water.
Head back down to the lowest chamber and look for the opening to a passageway. It's on the opposite end of the chamber from the switch ledge. At the end of the hallway is the large chamber that the previous switch flooded. Go for a swim. Notice the low, opened portal. Max out Lara's health and follow the passage. Climb quickly through the hole in the ceiling to the dry chamber, and whip out those Uzis. Collect the goodies and throw the switch to open the level exit.
The Wreck Of The Santa Maria Doria
Follow the passage to the large, water-filled chamber. Collect the Harpoons from the floor and follow the passage. Slide down the slope, hang, and drop to the collapsible floor below. This is gonna hurt a bit. Get health and dispense ammo on the foes that emerge from the opening. Through the opening, look to the left-hand corner of the room. Pop a Flare and climb through the hole in the ceiling.
In the chamber adjacent to the overturned pool are several movable boxes. Pull out the first and push it to the end of the nearby hall. Behind the first box are two more that Lara must push and pull to reveal two passageways. Choose the right-hand path. Enemies come from the left, and one also appears in the hall behind you.
Head to the right and turn to severely punish the crowd. Keep those guns out as you enter the adjacent ballroom. Beyond the broken glass is a hole in the floor. Circle around to the left, to the far side of the hole. Step back as far as possible and run into the hole from the non-hazardous side.
In the dark hallway below sits the Rest Room Key. To exit the hall, stand at the edge and jump forward to grab the ledge above. Double back to where you moved the three boxes previously, and check the left-hand hallway. Around the corner to the right is the lock you seek. The Rest Room Key opens the glass doors nearby. Press the button behind the doors. Cross the room to press another button behind the opened doors. That opens a door back in the ballroom. Before you leave, press the first button again.
Backtrack to the ballroom and look for a protruding section of floor that allows Lara to jump and grab the ledge above. Shimmy all the way past the high ledge with the opened door, to the ledge on the far side of the room. Follow the upper ledge to its end and a break in the railing. Run, jump, and grab across the gap to the ledge beyond and take the first of the Circuit Breakers. Backtrack to the opened door on the high central ledge.
Follow the passage. At the first pair of doors, one chamber requires the Rusty Key. At the end of the hallway is a door. Open it and drop down to the floor. Pull the box out of its nook and push it to the far left corner of the room. Climb atop the box and throw the switch. Before you go through the nearby door, pull out the upper box.
Follow the opened passageway across an empty room and into a hallway sloping slightly upward. Continue down the hallway to another chamber. In the new chamber, you'll have to move the box beneath the switch to throw it and open the exit. When you move the box, be sure to grab the Rusty Key it was sitting on. Exit back to a familiar hallway. Apply the Rusty Key to the lock, hang, and drop to the floor far below. Pull the movable box out toward the center of the floor.
Push the box over to the end of the short pathway. Pull out the upper box, revealing another movable box beyond. Push the second movable box. Reveal a hallway. Run along one wall and loop back before you reach the far side of the pit. Run, jump, and grab across the open pit, then look to the right in the intersection. Pull up into the passage to the right and drop immediately back to the floor below. Grab the ledge briefly as you drop to stay close to the wall, as a barrel rolls overhead.
Back in the wide hallway, hop up and peg the goon above the pool. Below the waterline is a lever to pull. Climb quickly up onto the boat to jump and grab the floor, then hustle to the opened door. Slide a short way down the slope, and start jumping. Jump back and forth from slope to slope above the dangerous trapdoor. When the trapdoor closes, you can stand on it and grab the ledge. Throw the switch to open a door back in the boat room.
Jump up over the slope and throw the switch to exit the trapdoor area. In an upper area off of the boat room is the portal that opened.
Go through the opened portal with Uzis for the initial confrontation, then snipe the goons below with the M-16. Look to the left to spy a button. Press the button, then race all the way around the upper walkway to the other side of the rock obstruction. Make a running jump through the opened trapdoor to the walkway below. Down below you'll notice the second of the Circuit Breakers.
On the same walkway as the second Circuit Breaker is a button that drains the boat room. When you pick up the second Circuit Breaker, the exit trapdoor opens briefly. Backtrack to the drained boat room, then hang and drop to the floor. Open the portal and follow the passage. When the hallway branches, head to the right. To the left is a pair of exit routes. As long as you closed the double doors in the Rest Room, the third Circuit Breaker is accessible.
Head back toward the room where Lara crashed through the ceiling so long ago. A lever on the wall opens the trapdoor up above. In the hallway above the trapdoor waits a serious assault force. Uzi them into submission and enter the large chamber. Insert the three Circuit Breakers in the fixtures near the burners and the flames are extinguished. Lara can pull the movable box beneath the entryway. In the small upper chamber, throw the switch.
Run, jump, and grab from the small switch chamber across the tops of the huge metal pipes. Drop into the pool far below. Climb out of the pool and follow the passage. There are Harpoons around the corner to the right. In the opposite direction from the Harpoons is a dark passage where a rig worker patrols near the Cabin Key Door.
In the dark adjacent area, there's a door that Lara can open to the left. Throw the switch you find in the small chamber. Loop to the right, around the pit. In the second small chamber, push the block and throw the switch to open a trapdoor in a broad hallway. If you backflip through the trapdoor, Lara hits the water pointed in the right direction. Swim down the passage and past the windows on the right.
As you near the end of the row of windows, look low and left for the Cabin Key. Now swim back to the trapdoor, turning to climb from the water when you surface. Double back and apply the Cabin Key to the lock in the hallway. Throw the switch inside. The switch in the cabin drops a trapdoor in the adjacent dark area, which allows Lara to reposition a box and reach another switch.
The second switch opens an upper hallway back in the cabin, which leads to a large chamber. Ready your M-16. When the battle's won, you can run into this small gap in the walkway- running toward the entrance to the room- and drop to a safe spot near the pool below. Slide into the pool, wary of lurking frogmen.
Behind the barrel at the bottom of the pool is a tunnel. When the twisting tunnel opens into the larger area, check the air supply. There's a chamber above, and Lara exits the level when she approaches the distant metal wall.
Living Quarters
Head straight forward as the level begins and look to the left through the opening. Pull the lever on the metallic wall and surface through the opened trapdoor above. Continue into the adjacent area. This is the piston room, complete with a sniper high and to the right. Hug the left-hand wall to the far end of the chamber.
Climb up at the far end of the piston row and note the switch high on the wall. Drop over to the floor on the other side of the pistons. Enter the small area off the piston room and follow the passage to a lower hallway. Drop down near the end of the lower hallway. Venture forward, then hop back to avoid rolling barrels and another onrushing foe.
Hug the left-hand side of the ramp to avoid another barrel as you enter the chamber. Note the high, dry lever on the wall. Run, jump, and grab from the top of the slope to grab the crack. Shimmy all the way to the right and throw the switch. The switch at the end of the burners extinguishes the flames. Nearby is the entrance to an upper passageway.
Follow the passage all the way to a small room with a switch. Throw it and drop through the hole in the floor. The switch has reconfigured the pistons, allowing Lara to cross on top of them. To hit the lower piston, stand in the center of the adjacent piston and jump forward. Dispose of the sniper before making a run for the Stone Dragon off to the right. Run, jump, and grab toward the lower ledge and collect the Stone Dragon.
From the Stone Dragon ledge, you can run, jump, and grab the side of the sniper's perch. Follow the hall. At the end of the passage is a movable box. Push it as far as it will go. When the first box stops, hang a left and push the second box past the ledge on the left. Drop down off that ledge. Back in the small chamber, throw the switch once more to reconfigure the pistons. Backtrack up the ledge where you moved the second box moments ago. By backtracking through the hallway to the sniper's perch, you can make your way back across the reconfigured pistons.
Run, jump, and grab along the tops of the piston array. Head for the farthest piston. Run, jump, and grab to the ledge with the switch; throw it. Run and jump from the switch ledge to the low platform beside the last piston. Return to the burner room, now flooded, and pull the lever on the wall. The door behind Lara opens.
In the new area swim up through the hole in the ceiling to take a breath. Swim back down into the watery chamber and hug the left-hand side of the cave far below as you enter. Stick to the opposite wall, and pull the lever. Exit the cave carefully. Just above the entrance to the cave, a trapdoor has opened. Up you go.
Throw the switch at one end of the walkway to open the door at the opposite end. In the chamber are two switches near the entrance and another switch in an alcove across the room. Throw the right-hand switch, then jump left and pull the second switch. Roll, run, jump, and grab the ledge that has elevated. The two sections that elevate allow Lara to shimmy right, but the two switches are on a timer. At the far end of the shimmy, pull up and throw the switch. Drop down to the floor and return to the larger chamber outside.
Stand like this. Jump forward, jump, jump, and grab. Lara should reach a ledge adjacent to the upper walkway. Move along the top of the duct to the movable box. Pull the box once, then jump back to the duct walkway. Jump from there to the place where the box sat. Drop and grab the ledge, then shimmy left until Lara can pull up. Jump and grab the edge of the upper passage, and follow it to the ductwork on the other side of the room. Follow the duct pathway to its end, then run and jump to the opening high on the wall.
Head down the hallway and take a right. At the end of that hall, follow the passage and jump past the end of the slope to the small square section. The small section of floor at the foot of the slope is collapsible. In order to reach the crack above, you have to leap before you fall.
Shimmy to the right and stand up when the crack widens. Check behind the pillar on the right for a passage. Drop down. When the passage widens, look to the right and peg the bad guy. Head upstairs. From the upper area, whack the goon below. Continue on the upper level. Pull the box once, then return to jump over the railing to the area below. Round the corner to the left, ready for heavy resistance.
Down in the goon's pit, pull the box and take the Theatre Key. Use the box to climb back out of the hole. Battle your way back to the area below the upper ledge, and look to the left. Follow the lower hallway. Apply the Theatre Key to the lock, then head to the right once you're inside. Dispose of the criminals on the ledge and throw the switch to open the stage curtain. Then head backstage.
Move the box and use it to cross over the wall. A Flare might help you see the dangerous floor pit. Jump across and push the button. Backtrack to the pit where you found the Theatre Key, ready to feed a few final shells to an arriving rig boss. Swim across the flooded pit and climb into the hallway to leave the Living Quarters.
The Deck
Look sharp as the level gets underway: there's a flamethrower sneaking up from Lara's right. Dive to the water far below. Climb out of the water and follow the pathway to the left, leaping over the sloped part. Slide down the slope near the wall and climb up to claim the Stern Key. Jump back in the water and look for an opening in the rock wall, low and to the left.
Follow the underwater passage to the metallic hull and surface through the small opening above. Whip out the APs to deal with the onrushing goon. Continue in the direction the goon came from and peg the flamethrower from a distance. Nearby are several movable boxes. Begin by pushing the closest box near the others. Next, push the upper box. Move aside the two left-hand lower boxes, revealing a door. Apply the Stern Key to the lock.
Swim down into the chamber and look high on the wall as you round the corner to the right. Pull the lever. Back outside, go investigate that flamethrower's ledge. Drop through the trapdoor to the hallway below. Climb to the upper ledge and throw the switch. Return to the previously water-filled room and drop to the dry area below.
Pull out the box and follow the tunnel, climbing up to a new passageway. In the large pool floats a raft. To reach it, drop through a hole in the ceiling high above. Swim close to the surface, to the left of the raft. When you climb ashore, dispose of the resident goon and gather the Uzi clips from behind his boxes.
Pop a Flare and swim down below. Swim through the low opening in the rock wall and up past the fish to the shore. Follow the bluish tunnel. Jump up over the slope and into the white rock tunnel. Continue straight down the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel is a hole in the floor above the raft. Max out Lara's health, then hang and drop to the raft below.
Collect the Cabin Key and Harpoons from the raft, then shoot the pair of sharks before hitting the water to backtrack. Backtrack to the white rock tunnel and look to the left. Follow the passage.
From where the passage terminates, jump over to the deck and case the joint. Drop down to the level of the small pool. Now, drop down to the deck below the pool, then run and jump from the corner of that level to the top of the rock pile below. From there, run and jump to the nearby walkway. Run, jump, and grab from the end of the white wall nearest the Jade Dragon off to the right. Then Lara can reach the top of the huge orange construct.
Cross the orange metal, then hang from the far edge. Drop and grab the crack, then shimmy left until Lara can pull up. Run, jump, and grab from the side of the orange construct to the opening in the rock wall across the way. Follow the passage. Up the passage is a chamber with several stubby pillars dotting a slope. Cautiously run and jump up the pillars to the top of the slope.
Look sharp when you reach the top of the stubby pillar slope, because bad guys will try to knock Lara back down again. Continue past the battle scene. The tunnel terminates back above the ship's uppermost deck. Run, jump, and grab from here to the closest corner. Cross the upper area and look to the left. Jump across the small gap of the walkway below. Drop through the trapdoor. Follow the hallway.
Pull out the box, then pull it aside. Throw the switch and exit back to the upper deck through the opened door. Watch your back in the narrow walkway. Hang a right past door and follow the deck around in that direction. On that same level of the deck is an opened door. Inside is the lock requiring the Cabin Key. Inside the room opened by the Cabin Key, choose one side of the chamber to approach the stable section of floor, then use the other side for a safe return.
The switch in the room with the mostly unstable floor opens another door on the same deck level. Head back toward the narrow passage where you exited the room a few minutes ago. The door across the passage is the one that just opened. Hang a left at the top of the stairs and follow the cave. Look for the tall pillar behind you at the apparent dead end. Jump and grab it. At the end of the tunnel, you can look down to the orange metal surface and spy the Storage Key. Drop down and get it. Now, you head for the Storage Room. Apply the key and claim the Seraph inside to exit the level.
Tibetan Foothills
Follow the path and jump over the slope to spy a narrow valley below. Down in the valley, a barrage of snow boulders comes tumbling down. Running slightly left of center, you can jump to the right and avoid a pileup. Duck back to the niche on the left and the second wave of snowballs rolls harmlessly past. Climb to the cave and follow the passage. Run and jump through the right-hand side of the ice wall, leaning to the right in midair.
Jump to the right extreme and then lean right through the ice wall to deposit Lara on a safe ledge. Follow the path. Enter the large outside area. Across the gorge, a shiny snowmobile waits outside a low hut. Hang from the edge of the cliff and drop to the ledge below. Hang and drop down to another lower ledge and head through the opening.
In the cave, run into the pit and grab the ice wall to shake loose the icicles. Climb up. Follow the pathway around the gorge. When the path splits, choose the downward route. Watch the icicles above the shallow pool. You should be able to wade around them as they fall. Run and jump to the small ledge. Run and jump across the gorge to the Large Medi Pack, then jump off to the left and climb up the large ice steps.
At the top of the climb, disband the mercenaries near the hut with some heavy artillery. Head down to the hut. Jump on the snowmobile and head into the cave. The cave opens into a large area featuring several lovely snow ramps. Use the central ramp to clear the wall in that direction. After you've crossed the first wall, work your way around each successive ramp. While in midair, use the backward command to help stick the landing. The long ramp is the final one. Stay off the accelerator as you drive: you just want to hop across a small gap in the ramp.
When you've crossed the gap, hit the brakes and back up as far as possible, turning to face the opening to the left of the obstruction. Get off the snowmobile and enter the narrow passage to the left of the obstruction on foot. Snuff the snow leopards and return to the ride. Point the snowmobile to the left of the obstruction and go full throttle. Jump the pit beyond the obstruction and follow the cave.
Dismount here and run along the trail next to the right-hand wall. At the end of the right-hand trail, collect the Grenades and climb the ladder. Throw the switch, and backtrack with caution. Having dealt with the bad guys, get back on your ride and jump the small pit to the left. Follow the trail. The switch in the cavern opened the gate leading to the steep hill and long, narrow ramp. Ease the snowmobile down the hill and line it up with the long ramp. Continue in the tunnel.
When the cave opens into the area go full throttle up the ramp and Lara arcs across the void to the cave on the far side. Inside the cave, pilot the snowmobile between the pit on the left and the snowballs that roll down from the right. Get off the snowmobile when you've crossed the hill and jump to the slope above the ice ladder. Grab the edge and climb down. Drop and grab the edge of the cave from the ice ladder above and pull up. Take the Drawbridge Key and drop into the passage at the back of the cave.
Get out those Uzis in the tunnel below the cave and blow open the ice wall concealing the bad guy. Continue with caution. You'll have to dash in a quick arc in the direction of the switch to coax down those icicles. Hit the switch and exit through the gate. Climb the ledges and ice ladder back to the cave opening above. Get back on the snowmobile, and follow the cave to the wide area with the icy floor. Don't stop at the switch by the gate.
The Drawbridge Key goes in the lock near the cave entrance and allows Lara to cross the gap with her snowmobile. Across the drawbridge, get off the ride and coax out the avalanche on foot. Make sure you work your way down to the end of the path to get rid of all the snowballs above. Having defused the threat, get back on the snowmobile and proceed slowly down the path. Following the major shake-up in the cave, ride along the right-hand ridge to get past the pit.
Return to the large open area, which has undergone a snowy transformation. Approach the Hut Key, in the snow on the left, with caution. A mercenary arrives with a toy of his own: a heavily armed snowmobile. Use the Uzis, and try to stay mobile, or he'll mow you down. Hut Key in hand, Backtrack on Lara's own snowmobile toward the hut.
Back near the obstruction, jump the pit toward the low section of the distant ramp. Eventually, a low ledge will force Lara off her ride. Continue to the hut. Insert the Hut Key into the lock and collect the ammo and Small Medi Pack before throwing the switch on the wall. Throw the switch in the hut and hustle outside as a crowd of criminals rushes from the opened gate.
Follow the passage to the large cave. Jump down to the floor, and immediately climb the ledge on the left. Another armed snowmobile comes roaring in from the left, but it'll take him a while to get to you on top of that ledge. Cap him, and the ride is yours. Follow the trail to the pit and notice the ice ladder leading down.
In the wide-open area, a pair of troublemakers will test your snowmobile skills. Your ride can pivot in a tight circle, and don't be shy about using a Medi Pack. Push the block in the wall twice and jump into the small cave as soon as possible. There is a pair of mercenaries off to the right. If you try to push the block all the way into the room before taking action, they pretty much cut our heroine in half.
Take care of the sniper on the ledge below, then go back for the snowmobile. Ride it over the cliff and into the pool. Climb out and follow the path to exit.
Barkhang Monastery
Follow the passage and enjoy the show. The monks generally make short work of the mercenaries, so save your ammo. Climb the tall ladder in front of the monastery. Jump from the ledge at the top of the ladder to the small space nearby, and from there to an upper pathway. Dispose of more crows en route to the top of the rock pile. Jump to the slope, slide, and grab the ledge below. Drop down below the slope and grab the crack, then shimmy right to a walkway near the monastery. Shoot open the window and head inside. Hang a right into the hallway.
From the hallway intersection, the left-hand route leads to the main hall. Straight ahead is the Strongroom. Duck into the first doorway on the left in the direction of the main hall, then roll and head for the Strongroom. Check the ledge outside for Grenades. Double back toward the main hall and head through the first doorway on the left. Climb the tall ladder. Up above the main hall, take the Main Hall Key from the small platform.
Continue along the upper pathway to the right of the huge statue. Drop down from the end of the upper walkway and watch out for the boulder that rolls down the sloped hall. Where the first hallway intersects another, expect more boulder trouble. Hang a left and head up the passage.
The small blue pool has a strong current. Swim low along the wall to the right. It takes some time reach the underwater opening. Follow the path and drop to the water far below. Pop a Flare, and roll through the bladed doors. Climb up the ladder. When you enter the antechamber, another bad guy appears inside. When the second thug finds the floor, jump over the inoperative fixtures, and claim the first Prayer Wheel.
When you take the Prayer Wheel, the burners come to life. Jump between them to make your escape. In the outer room, move the boxes aside to reveal a passage in the wall. Backtrack toward the main hall. Follow the walkway back through the main hall. Insert the Main Hall Key into the lock near the large double doors and venture inside.
Head straight for the large statue and a fight breaks out behind you. On one side of the main hall is a pair of passages. Check the hallway on the right. Run and jump over the blade in the right-hand hallway, and enter the room on the left. Gather the Strongroom Key, and jump back over the single blade in the hall. Head back through the main hall toward the Strongroom.
In the Strongroom is nothing but the Rooftops Key. Pick it up. Head back toward the main hall and check the doorway where the blades roll back and forth. Go inside. Hug the left-hand wall to the corner of the room and time your run toward the Rooftops Key Door. Follow the passage beyond. Stand and jump forward over the burners until you reach the intersection. Head down into the open area on the left, angling toward the opening on the left. Round the corner to the left.
Throw the switch on the pillar and drop down to the area below. Blow open the glass case and take the two Gemstones. Throw the switch and climb back to the upper area. Return to the hallway, and take a left. Farther down the burner hall, place one of the Gemstones in the fixture. The huge golden door slides inward. Go inside the small chamber, and pull out the box on the left. Behind the box is a second Prayer Wheel. Grab it and head back to the main hall.
Back in the main hall, investigate the passages on the left. Climb the tall ladder up to a level near the hands of the huge statue. Run, jump, and grab the upturned palm of the statue from the ledge above the tall ladder. Now climb up the hand with the burner, and run, jump, and grab the top of the statue's head. Cross over the head, then jump and grab from the hand to the niche. Place the second Gemstone in the fixture high above the main hall, and a trapdoor opens below the statue. Run and jump back to the statue, and slide down its front.
Down the wide hallway near the base of the statue, enter the doorway on the right. Inside you'll find boxes and barrels. Follow the dim passage past the barrels. In the narrow passage, run into the pit and grab the ladder to make it safely across. In the interconnecting hallways, head up the stairs and shoot open the window as mercenaries close in from behind. Bail out the window.
In the courtyard below, throw the switch on the wall and the monks run off to take care of business. Throw the switch again to close the door behind them. Climb the series of tall ladders leading up from the large courtyard. In the upper chamber is the third Prayer Wheel. Take it and return to the courtyard far below.
Back across the ladder pit, return to the broad passage and look to the right. Head all the way to the end of the hall and duck inside the narrower passage on the left. Through the narrower passage at the end of the wide hall waits an impressive gauntlet. The burner will be extinguished if you walk slowly forward. Sticking close to one wall, run forward as the spiked obstacle begins to swing away. You may take a nick, but you'll drop into a safe hall.
Climb out of the lower passage back in the direction of the swinging obstacle. Climb out of the second safe lower passage to the area beside the rolling blade. Run past the last blade and grab up the Trapdoor Key. Backtrack to the huge statue in the main hall. Enter the chamber below the huge statue and drop through the trapdoor that opened. Follow the passage beneath the statue. In the small pump room, throw the switch to open the door nearby.
Through the open door, jump over the slope on the left and push the box, cutting off the water flow. Double back through the pump room, and slide down the slope to the dry chamber. Push the box aside and take the fourth Prayer Wheel. The Trapdoor Key goes in the lock in the main hall. Drop down into the area below.
In the area below the unlocked trapdoor, loop to the left and throw the switch on the wall. When the battle concludes, check the path in the opposite direction. Follow the path through the rocks and look for a hole in the wall where it terminates. Climb the ladder to the walkway above. Approach the bridge along the upper pathway with caution. Roll just inside the rock opening leading to the bridge. Approach the bridge with the M-16 at the ready, and punish the criminal that appears.
Jump from the rock ledges to grab the roof of the building, and drop through the opening there. Take the fifth and final Prayer Wheel from inside the building. Backtrack all the way to the huge statue. There's an open room to the left of the statue's base. Place all five of the Prayer Wheels in the fixtures around the room, and the huge double doors open. Now take the Seraph that you collected at the end of "The Deck," and place it on the huge golden fixture. Exit through the door that opens nearby.
Catacombs of the Talion
Stand still as the level gets underway: you'll have to avoid the stairs or risk beginning with a quick death. Drop off the stairs to one side, and watch out for the second set of lethal icicles en route to the doorway. Shimmy right, and pull up on top of the ledge where space permits. Behind the ledge are a pack of Flares. Use the crack to shimmy back to the flat spot above the ledge, and look down the ladder. Climb down the ladder until the yeti is freaking out directly below Lara. Use the jump command to backflip from the ladder, and apply the Uzis liberally.
The switch in the lower chamber opens a door across the steep slope. Climb the ladder back up. Slide down the slope, and jump from the very bottom to grab the distant walkway. A blue pool dominates the large adjacent chamber. The object is to get the mask out of the cage on the left. Take the stairway down and get those Uzis out. As you reach the last step you run into an ambush. Kill them all. Gather the Uzi clips and Large Medi Pack from near the bodies, then jump over beneath the ledge.
Walk forward up the slope. The boulders are released from above. Jump backward. Lara should land safely on the ledge with the mask in the cage. Drop down to the slope, and then down to the floor of the room. Drop down to the slope, and then down to the floor of the room. Climb the ledge near the entrance to the hallway. Run and jump across the room to the ledges there. Run down the collapsible plank until Lara hits the wall, then jump and grab the ladder. Climb to the very top. Jump from the top of the ladder, and Lara backflips to the ledge. Throw the switch to open the cage.
Slide down the slope, and use the backflip trick to reach the Tibetan Mask. When you reach it, the blue pool drains. Hang and drop down into the passage below the pool, and use a Flare to make sure you don't fall into the pit. Follow the hallway. Place the Tibetan Mask in the fixture and the gate rises. Put away those guns and proceed with extreme caution beyond the gate. Hang a left just through the gate, and use the forward and action commands to climb the wall ahead of the avalanche. Now whip out those guns and begin putting a serious downward trend in the local cat population. You'll need to use the Uzis to kill them all quickly.
Climb to the low left side of the stairway, and jump and grab to the ledge. Drop down into the area beyond the wall. Watch your back when you go to check the icy pool. As you step onto the icy surface, more felines roll in from the pointed passage. Keep those guns handy and explore through the pointed passage, ready to backflip and open fire. In the dark pool behind a snowcapped pillar is a second Tibetan Mask. Backtrack with the second Tibetan Mask past the huge doors and around the corner to the right. Beside the closed door is the fixture for the second Tibetan Mask.
Inside the huge dark chamber, hug the left-hand wall. Jump across the small gaps to reach the switch that opens the cages. Open fire with the Pistols, then bail off when they get close and open fire again. Stay mobile in the large area.
Throwing the switch also raises small gates, allowing access to a dark antechamber. Pull the movable block over and shove it beneath a gate, like so. Throw the switch to open a door back above the icy pool. Backtrack with extreme caution. Outside the room of yeti cages, several mercenaries stage a merciless ambush from the left. Lob five or six Grenades into the crowd from a distance.
Up the ledge past the huge doors, a long suspension bridge arcs up toward a waiting avalanche. Run through the opening across the second bridge and hang a hard left. There's a small ledge just to the left inside the opening where Lara can stand to avoid the storm. Continue to the ledge above. Run, jump, and grab from the upper area to the nearby ladder, then climb to the upper chamber. You have to drop in the pool, but you'll want to exit immediately. Shoot the fish. Then, stand in the right-hand side of the opening in the wall. Wade and climb ashore on the right near the wall.
Swim and climb ashore on the small white ledge between this cove and the next area. From the ledge along the right-hand wall, you can see through into another cavern. Walk forward to the edge, then turn around and look up. Climb the ladder to the chamber above. You'll see a sliding slope on each side of the top of the ladder and a statuette in a small room. Move to the far left at the top of the ladder and drop. Use the jump command as Lara falls, and hold it until Lara can safely slide to a stop. Claim the Jade Dragon.
Jump to grab the ladder, and swim to the block near the door. Climb up on the block, and run and jump to grab the very bottom of the distant ladder. Climb to the upper right corner of the ladder and use the jump command to backflip. Throw the switch on the ledge to open the door below. Drop to the water away from the door, avoiding the block.
Look to the left as you enter the new area. Throw the switch on the small pillar and turn left on the outside ledge. Drop from that corner. The switch on the small pillar opens the huge doors. Jump across to the ledge above the pit. Run and jump across the pit, then snipe the mess of kitties from above. Then drop in the hole. Roll when you hit the switch. Clean house, and backtrack across the pit above.
Stand at the base of the narrow slope. Jump forward at the bottom of the slope, then jump again as you slide. Bail off to the left. The snowballs knock open an adjacent chamber. Inside, you'll use the right-hand pad to open the level exit. Roll on the pressure pad, then run and jump back over the snowballs. Jump back to the ledge of the nearby open door and run straight across the room.
The door to the exit hall stays open only a short time, so you have to run. But there's a deep hole just inside the door, so you have to be prepared to jump it. Jump and grab the ladder from just inside the timed door, and climb down to the passage far below. Follow the corridor to exit the level.
Ice Palace
Shoot the bell in the small chamber, and the door opens. Be careful going near the wooden springboards. You'll see a double-wide pad in the direction of a gate and a single to the right. Avoid them for now and loop around the corner to the right. Run onto the small springboard in the wide dead-end hall, and Lara pops through a hole in the ceiling into the upper area. Back on the floor, run toward the bell and onto the small pad.
Shooting the bell opens the first of two large black gates below. Run onto the double-wide pad in the direction of the remaining gate, and lean forward to land on a high ledge. On the high ledge, check the drop to the ledge just below. Hit the switch to release the yetis. You want to drop down a single level to do battle. Chip away at the Yeti with the Pistols, dropping to the floor when they get too close.
Return to the second tier via the stairs and check the hallway that opened up when the yeti cage fell. Check the far end of the barred passage, where it turns to the right, and a yeti comes out in a disturbing hurry. Hop backward and apply the Uzis. In the small chamber upstairs, throw the switch to open the shutters nearby. Backtrack down the barred passage. On the floor outside the remaining black gate, run onto the small springboard in the direction of the open shutters above. Lean forward to land safely. On top of the shutter, hop and shoot the bell. The second black gate opens.
Jump to the slope above the gateway, and grab the edge to drop safely to the floor. Run onto the pad in the direction of the right-hand wall, and use the action button as Lara soars high into the air. You can grab the edge, but the slope above is too steep to stand on. Pull up, and jump immediately. Keep jumping back and forth, and lean to the right. At the far end of the sloping space is another bell to shoot. Get out those Pistols and do the deed, then lean to the left, back the way you came. Just keep leaning left and eventually you'll reach a flat ledge. Climb through the open gate and up the ladder to a ledge.
Run and jump from the edge of the ledge to the walkway and Lara will hit it squarely. Take out the charging yeti. Take the Flares from the block and check the yeti's tunnel. Check the short path off the safe ledge and cross the tunnel. Proceed with caution. White tigers in two waves await you at the end of the tunnel. Climb the box in the white tiger cavern and take the Tibetan Mask. Back in the yeti's tunnel, a door in the hallway near the dark path has opened.
Through the open door, drop down into the barred passage, ready for immediate action. Toss a Flare or two below to make sure Lara doesn't jump down into a spiked section of the floor. On the outside ledge are a Small Medi Pack and the fixture for the Tibetan Mask. The door to the bridge outside opens. Run and jump off to the left of the bridge and gather Flares, then run and jump back to the bridge and span the distance.
Inside the cavern, you reach a ledge high above a familiar area. You'll find a switch on the wall. Throw the switch, and molten lava melts a hole through the icy top of the pool. Expect immediate tiger trouble when you drop down to check the pool. Down in the pool that the lava melted through, pass by the gong hammer for the time being and swim through the hole in the wall. Hug the wall on the left in the new chamber. Wade up onto the shore near the wall, and avoid the icicles while chipping away at the yeti.
Return and grab the gong hammer. Quickly climb the right-hand ledge through the opening and shoot the killer fish. There are passages to the left and right up from the pool. Approach the left-hand cave. Pull up to the ledge in front of the cave opening and immediately step back as icicles fall. Pop a Flare, and head inside. Grab the Grenades on the other side of the wall. Backtrack to the right-hand tunnel up from the pool and get out the Pistols.
Up the ice blocks, the wide passage opens onto an impending avalanche. Step close to the end of the hallway to coax out the first batch. Hang a left in the opposite direction from the wall of snowballs and run for it. You need to veer over toward the far wall to jump safely to the snowy ledge. Follow the short passage and note the opening to the right in the far wall. Slide backward down the slope and shimmy left to near the far wall. Pull up and jump immediately from the slope. Lara should backflip to a safe ledge, beyond which the passage continues.
At the tall ice wall, run and jump to grab anywhere on the climbable surface. Max out Lara's health and hang from the ledge above the huge gong. Drop down and readjust your health once more. Give the gong a mighty blow with the gong hammer, and the doors to the Ice Palace are shattered open. Don't go inside just yet. Slide down the front of the Ice Palace and cross the huge snowy field, veering toward the far left corner.
Climb the low icy ledges and follow the rough trail to a doorway. There was ice blocking the Palace portals until Lara struck the gong. Inside the Ice Palace lies the Talion. When you take it, you can expect the Guardian of the Talion to come crashing out of his cave outside. Exit back to the low snowy ledges outside. The Guardian is bound to come within range to investigate, but he can't reach you as long as you stay on the ledge. Killing the Guardian with Pistols saves mucho ammo, and the snowfield is a tricky area. When the Guardian finally falls, the level ends.
Temple of Xian
Pop a Flare and follow the ornate passage. Stop when the camera angle changes. Walk straight toward the dais and fall through the trapdoor. Jump the blade. Next, from the wide water hall, jump into the pool below. Ride the current. There are two openings underwater.
Face the falls from the center of the lower pool, then turn to the right. Swim down and to the right. Hustle ashore to cap the killer koi. You swim ashore facing the lower entrance to the Temple. Off to the right is another portal- the Silver Key Door. Head toward the temple entrance. Take care of the Tigers, then ascend the wide stairs. Circle to the left of the entrance and run onto the springboard in the direction of the Temple. Lean forward to land on the roof.
Follow the rooftop ledge around to the far side, and throw the switch to open a grating back above the ledge, lock, and ladder combo. Hang and drop onto one of the raised platforms near a corner pillar. Swim back to the adjoining chamber. Climb the ladder above the ledge. Be wary of spiders as you explore.
Climb up onto the wall and work your way to the upper right-hand corner of the surface, below the crack. Grab the wall in the upper right-hand corner, jump from the wall, then quickly jump again from the sliding slope. Walk across the top of the wall. On the far side of the wall is a collapsible plank. You need to run to the far end of the tiles, then stand still. She'll drop straight down to the top of a pillar below. Run and jump to the opening. This trap is a real bear, so expect to try it a couple of times.
Inside the opening is a sliding slope down to a pit of spikes. You need to jump from the slope, slide on a second slope, and jump from there to grab the ledge. There's a switch on the dark upper ledge that opens the huge doors to the Temple. Follow the upper passage to backtrack by dropping into the water.
Climb into the passage and follow it to the ledge above a lava-filled room. Run and jump to the first slope directly across from the entrance, and slide forward toward the lava. Jump, then slide down another slope. From the second slope, you'll have to jump to the slope ahead, then jump twice very quickly and grab the ledge. Pull up and cross the rocks. Run, jump, and grab across the pillars above the lava, and enter the short hallway. When you go for the switch, the floor drops out. Let Lara fall.
Drop to the walkway and run straight ahead to the switch as the spiked walls close in. Throw the switch, roll, and run back down in the opposite direction. Make a clean run and minimize the damage. Follow the passage and get off the slope as the metal ball releases from near the top. You can climb or simply roll and run. Watch the ceiling and avoid the rolling menace. You can climb past the second one off to its left.
On the walkway near the ladder, you can coax out the final sphere by running at an angle in front of it and off over the edge of the ledge. Pop a Flare in the dark chamber up the ladder and flip the switch. In the passage that opens just above the floor of the dark room, you can hang in the corner to avoid the blade below. Drop down. Cross the room all the way to the far wall, then turn to exit on the left. At one end of the rafter area is a button. When you push it, roll and run immediately to jump to the nearby rafter. Run and jump along the rafters to the far end of the room. Cross the walkway. Judge the safe areas between the spiked obstacles, and run past each along one side of the ledge.
Start on the right, then jump left and press that button. Turn to the right and run into the hall. Keep running straight down the path as the floor falls away behind you and then a boulder is released. Jump from the end of the runway and grab the ledge across the lava. There waits the Dragon Seal. From the Dragon Seal ledge, turn and jump off to the right, with the statue on the left. Watching out for spiders, throw the switch in the dark room to reconfigure the pillars in the lava. Exit out the opposite side of the dark room.
Make your way down the ledges to the walkway at lava level. Run and jump to the farthest of the small platforms along the right-hand wall. From the last of the low platforms, you want to run and jump to the slope near the block so that Lara is sliding forward. Jump from there to grab the ledge. Pull up prepared to slide, then jump and grab the top of the pillar beyond. Run and jump to the tall pillar near the wall, and then to the low platform below. Beyond that is a springboard.
Stand in the center of the low green block and jump forward to the springpad. Lean forward to land on the ornate slope as a sphere releases up above. Quickly step back and off the edge of the slope, grabbing hold to hang above the lava as the sphere rolls overhead. Climb back up. When you jump forward to the second low pillar, another sphere is released. Line up so that you can quickly backflip to the safety of the first flat spot.
Now you can cross along the flat pillars unmolested. Climb the flat tops to the upper right-hand corner of the area. Run and jump over to the portal. Pull out the box and push it aside. Throw the switch on the wall and drop down into the hole that opens. While running down the slope, a sphere is released behind Lara. The safe turn in the hall is on her left.
Return to the rafters and drop down to the floor. Place the Dragon Seal in the fixture and the nearby door opens. In you go. Make your way down the hall and avoid the rolling blade. At the end of the hallway, Lara slides into a smallish chamber with an impending spiked ceiling. Around the room are four "real" switches mixed in with textured ones. Flip the real ones and exit the room.
Run and jump up the pillars and climb to the walkway above the falls. Kill the koi and check the pool. Swim over near the lever, then get a good breath before you swim down and pull it. Pull the lever and the current in the area reverses. Turn and swim down the wide underwater tunnel. Down the wide tunnel, avoid the lever on the left. Look high and right across from the lever, then swim into the narrow passage. Swim down the smaller passage and pull the lever. Backtrack to the large pool down the wide tunnel.
With a full supply of oxygen, swim back down the wide tunnel and into the small passage. Pull the lever down in the short opened hallway. Swim back down and through the opened portal in the large pool. The lever inside the opened antechamber opens a door off of the air pocket up above. Throw the switch in the antechamber. Turn to the left from the switch and drop down the open trapdoor as the wall closes in from the far side of the room. At the far end of the tunnel waits the Gold Key.
Swim up into the pool near the Temple doors. The Gold Key goes in the lock on the ledge in the adjacent chamber. It opens the underwater grating. Swim down and buttonhook back to the right at the intersection. On the left-hand side of the tunnel is an opening to a chamber. Hug the left-hand wall and look behind a pillar on the right for a lever. Pull the lever on the pillar. Exit back in the direction you came from. Swim straight down the wide passage and up through the hole in the grating that the switch opened.
Climb ashore, pop a flare and head into the cavern ahead. Work your way down the passage. Once you reach the large web, get out the Uzis. Kill the spiders and drop to the floor. There's a pillar to climb on the far side of the large chamber. Make your way up the ledges. Run and jump to the central pillar. From the central pillar, you can run, jump, and grab into the wide hallway. Follow it to the small opening at the far end.
Run, jump, and grab the pillar in the pool and take the Silver Key. Now backtrack all the way to the shore near the lower temple doors. On the same shore as the lower temple entrance is the Silver Key Door. Go inside. Expect rolling spheres when you stand on the lower two platforms. Just jump off to one side when a sphere comes down. The reclimb is short. Stand and jump from the side of one pillar to grab the edge of the next in line. There's one last sphere up above, to the right side of the dark opening.
Jump and grab the bottom of the small sloped pillar. Pull up and jump immediately. Lara will backflip to the top of the pillar nearby. Up above, stand near the corner with your back to the wall, facing the ledge where the blade rolls back and forth. When the blade reverses, jump forward twice to make it past. Head for the bridge. You'll have to outrun the rolling blade and duck off to the left at the far end of the span. Next, throw the switch. Follow the blade back across the bridge very closely and duck back inside the room.
Backtrack to the tiger room with the two pillars. You must climb up via the springboards. Stand with Lara's face pressed to the wall. Step back. Step forward. Backflip. When she leaves the uppermost springboard, lean forward and grab. Pull up to the ledge ready to defend yourself. The door you opened with the last switch is nearby. Jump from the edge to grab the walkway. Enter the huge chamber.
Off to the right is the Main Chamber Lock. You want to jump to that ledge and run along the lava as the wall closes in from the right. At the far end of the area climb the ladder. Once on the ladder, move off to the left side to climb, thus avoiding the spikes entirely. In the dark upper chamber, you'll have to run and jump to climb the ladder on the right, as you enter. Another spiked wall will close in from behind.
In the intriguing upper room, there's a switch to throw at the end of the passage. Double back to see which portal has opened. Run, jump, and grab around the left wall to reach the platform near the dragon. Take the Main Chamber Key from the top of the pillar. Step onto the slope near the dragon and slide forward. The slope deposits Lara on the top of a pillar far below. Jump to the left of the pillar, leaning back to the right to avoid the open door and landing on the walkway.
Apply the Main Chamber Key to the lock on the wall and jump back to the walkway near the door. On the other side of the room, a small section of grating has lowered near a pillar. Run and jump to grab the edge, then run and jump over and climb the ladder. Stand at the edge of the spiked pit, and jump forward to grab the ladder. Climb back up to a familiar area. Off the upper passage, the top of another tall serpent statue is accessible. Jump to the slope nearby, and from there to the flat spot before Lara slides off. Climb up.
Climb to the top of the ladder, just shy of the blade, and jump off. Slide down the slope, and jump to grab another ladder. From the ladder below the final blade, there's another ladder directly behind you. Jump forward off the ladder and Lara will spin in midair. Grab the ladder and climb. Follow the passageway to end the level.
Floating Islands
Walk to the end of the green path facing the gold lattice structure. Get out the Pistols, and open fire as the warrior comes into range. Step back from the end of the green path, then jump forward to the left-hand slope of the nearby island. Slide forward. Jump to the slope on the adjacent island, and then from that slope toward the gold lattice structure.
Jump from near the bottom of the island to grab the ledge. Throw the switch in the structure, and a trapdoor opens on a nearby island. The gate at the end of the narrow passage also opens. Through the gate, jump from the slope just outside to the adjacent slope, and slide to the large island. Through the trapdoor above are the first of two Mystic Plaques. A soldier will come to life down below as you explore. Face the soldier ledge, and look for a flat space up the hill to the right. Jump up near the tree, and turn so that you can see the roof above.
Hang over the edge to spy a ledge down below. Drop down and grab the ledge, and pull up. Throw the switch, and the exit opens. Run and jump to the steel walkway, and from the far end of the plank to the nearby small green island. Turn to the left and jump over the sliding slope to the flat top of the small island. Run, jump, and grab to the low, flat end of the nearby island and on to the small island past that. Travel likewise to the bottom of the distant set of huge green "steps," and climb up them.
From the top of the huge steps, you can run, jump, and grab to a ledge near the Mystic Plaques Door island. You need to find the second Plaque. Follow the irregular steps in the direction opposite the Mystic Plaques Door, and turn around as you approach the top. Having chipped the two warriors into submission, look off the other side of the gold lattice structure and spy the rock path below. Jump down, and hang a right. Jump to the low ledge in front of the entrance to the gold lattice structure. Climb up to where the level began.
As before, jump to the first slope near the beginning island, but let Lara slip off the edge. You should land roughly on a small ledge below. Turn around. Run and jump from the low ledge to the small island with the second Mystic Plaque. Take the second Plaque, and run, jump, and grab to the point of the small island nearby. Jump from the small island to the large one nearby. Drop down to the ledge below the island, and backtrack all the way to that small ledge facing the large island with the Mystic Plaques Door. Stand to the far right. Run, jump, and grab from the right-hand side of the small ledge facing the Mystic Plaques Door.
Place the Mystic Plaques and venture inside. Just to the right as you come through the door is an entrance in the rock. Walk backward up the short slope outside and move all the way to the left of the ramp. Backflip to the opening and follow the passage to the Stone Dragon. You'll have to jump up over a slope- and then over a small ledge in the hall- to exit.
Check the green boulder nearby. Backflip over it, then backflip again when you hit the slope. Following the second backflip, you can slide and grab the edge of a slope as the boulder rolls overhead. Drop down to the ledge below. Above Lara's ledge, to the right, is a hole leading up into a chamber. Climb to the low end of the sloped pillar, then pivot and jump up to grab the ledge above.
From the roof, head back around to the boulder slope via the opening in the rock wall. You can slide down the boulder slope and come to rest in a small flat section at the bottom. Hop the gap and head up that ramp. Where the green is broken by the rocky pattern, turn and look to the right to spy a small island.
Run, jump, and grab from the ramp to the small island with the rope slider. Drop off onto the lower bridge. Head through the opening on the right. The switch opens the door at the end of the long rope slider. There's another short rope slider in the adjacent area. Ride it over, and keep the action command held down to cling to the wall. Climb up and follow the passage. Turn and grab the ledge to shimmy left, and drop to a familiar location. Head back to the island where the long rope slide begins. This time you can take the full trip.
From the short hallway, run and jump back to the ledge on the right in the outer area. Cross over and climb the pillar near the wall of fire. In the bigger area beside the deep trench is a box to move. Pull the box so that you can jump up and grab the overhead ledge. Throw the switch. Down below you can see a long, sealed trapdoor. The switch on the high ledge makes another switch accessible- off a walkway at the bottom of the narrow trench. Throw the switch in the narrow trench, and the long trapdoor you spotted from the ledge above opens. Go and see.
Run, jump, and grab from the ledge toward the opened trapdoor. The grabbing motion is what lowers Lara's trajectory enough to allow her to make it inside. Down below the flames, throw the switch on the wall. Swim down through the narrow passage. When the passage opens up, hug the left-hand wall. To the right is a switch on the wall. Climb up and throw it, mindful of the small circular blades. A gate opens back in the huge chamber. The switch also stops the blades swinging in the hallway. Wade through, and climb back into the hallway where the long rope slider deposited Lara previously.
Jump back to the right-hand side of the area, and push the box over as close as possible to the newly opened gateway above the low end of the rope. Run, jump, and grab toward the ledge to reach the upper hallway. On the left is a sealed door. Head straight down the hall. Run, jump, and grab the crack in the wall, and shimmy to the right above the spikes. Pull up and throw the switch in the upper alcove. Run and jump from the switch alcove, and you can make it back to the upper hallway. The switch opens the door to the chamber off of the upper hall. Slide down the slope and drop into the cage.
When you throw the switch on the wall, the bars are raised and the resident ninja begin to hurl little razor disks in your direction. Throw the switch and climb the wall behind you, beside the upper pillar. Jump or run back and forth, and chip away. Loop to the right around the lava trough going back to the top of the wall. Throw both switches in the alcoves. One opens the immediate exit, while another opens a door back upstairs. Head up the broad stairway. Throw the switch at the top of the stairs twice.
Check the room that has opened. Climb the lattice above the pit to near the top. Take one "step" downward from the top of the lattice, and jump forward. Lara will pivot in midair, and can thus grab the lattice behind her. Climb up. Climb to the colored section of wall behind the lattice and repeat the trick: jump forward and grab. Climb up to the slope, pull up, and jump immediately. Keep jumping.
Jump back and forth from slope to slope, and lean to the left. Approach the safe flat area and slide to a stop on flat ground. Cap the ninja whose been causing so much trouble. Pull out the block and push it over in front of the razor disk stream. Jump from the top of the rocks to the space vacated by the movable block, and grab the edge. Pull up, and climb atop the block. From on top of the block, you can grab the rope slider and take a ride to the Dragon's Lair.
The Dragons Lair
Collect the Uzi clips and Large Medi Pack outside the chamber. Activate and kill every soldier in the chamber before continuing. The exit switch is just inside the entrance on a pillar. The two remaining soldiers animate when you flip it. Peek inside the dark chamber that opens, and backflip away from the door. Jump from side to side, and you can Uzi the advancing ninja while avoiding their disks. Advance a little farther through the door a bit at a time, and backflip when each new set of ninja arrives. Use the door as a choke point. The last ninja to fall spits up a Mystic Plaque upon his timely demise.
Place the Plaque in the fixture near the door, and go meet the Dragon. You'll want your Uzis and full health. Brace yourself as you approach the center of the huge chamber.
Backflip during the light show, and open fire with Uzis as soon as they lock. Don't worry: there's no chance of killing the Dragon without getting a good look. The idea is to run in circles around the beast, while avoiding pillars and water holes. You may need to stop firing occasionally to change direction.
You're bound to get flamed once or twice. If you can make it into the pool, you can cool off. As long as you're not moving directly at the beast, you can generally stay ahead of the breath attack. When the beast falls, you have to have a relatively clean path to grab the bloody dagger from its underbelly. Step to the blood spot, and use the action command to withdraw the source of the Dragon's power.
In a matter of seconds, the Dragon is skinless bones and the chamber begins to disintegrate. You may want to save the game. Charge down the tunnel as debris rains down from above. Keep running down the hallway, perhaps leaping when rocks drop down. You need to get out of the cave as fast as possible, so you can't be too considerate of the falling rock. At the end of the passage, the final cut scene begins.
Home Sweet Home
Eventually, Lara relaxes back at her mansion. Suddenly, several vanloads of punks shatter the post-adventure calm. You've got the Gun Cabinet Key: use it on the lock beside the bed. Grab the Shotgun and maybe a Medi Pack, and blast the goons as they arrive at the closet door. Head downstairs, ready for more intruders. The front door makes another good choke point.
Outside, head to the left along the wall and around the corner. Follow the path, ready to drop that Flare in a hurry. There's immediate trouble around that first corner to the left, and shades of big Bartoli around the corner past that, to the right. Hammer your final foe into submission: you need only survive.
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